Deeds for Dec. 3, 2015

Published 2:00 am Thursday, December 3, 2015

Benjamin, Betty Andress to Dorothy McLeod property in the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter; the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter in Section 20, Township 10 North, Range 22 East; the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter and the North half of the Northwest quarter of Section 21, Township 10 North, Range 22 East, given to clear a title on Nov. 23.

Jeffery Baker to Angela Baker 106 Wildridge Drive for $257,790 on Nov. 18.

Charles, Richard Botts to Barbara, Dewight Ward property on Elm Street Road for $20,000 on Nov. 24.

Nancy, Shelby Cargile to Jason, Stephanie Burgans property on County Road 2290 Goshen for $5,000 on Nov. 11.

Paula, Todd Carpenter, Paula Johnson, TPC Properties LLC to Todd Carpenter, Layne, Lyle Wise 2092 Highway 87 for $38,660 on Nov. 16.

Eva Collins to Shantrie Collins 315 Williams Street for $57,040 on Nov. 20.

Copland Brothers, Cornerstone Wealth Management Inc, Pike County Alabama, Town Square LLC  to City of Troy Alabama .07 acres located at 101 Church Street on Nov. 23.

Nakiska Crawford, William Weeks to William Weeks 322 Pine Street Brundidge for $15,000 on Nov. 12.

Sylvia Davis to City of Troy Alabama 208 Diana Street as a donation to the City on Nov. 10.Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, Select Portfolio Servicing Inc to James Davis 344 Astor Avenue for $21,000 on Nov. 30.

Amy, Carrie, Ryan Ellis to Robert Cummings 1412 Highway 125 for $38,513.72 on April 17.

Twyla Fleming to Austin Thompson 313 Pace Street for $97,260 on Nov. 23.

Adena Godwin to Margaret Godwin the East half of the Northeast quarter of Section 27, Township 11, Range 22 for $12,000 on Nov. 16.

Joseph, Kenneth Harrington to William Kreis 301 Montgomery Street for $12,900 on Nov. 10.

John Hogan, Kathleen Lawrence, Barbara McLendon, Kay Wilson to Timothy Herrington Lot 14 according to the plat of Ridgewood SID for $53,000 on Nov. 19.

Horizon Development Group LLC to Polly Ash Phases 21, 5 of Wildridge Subdivision for $25,000 on Nov. 18.

Marion, Martha Hughes to Robert Brown 1924 County Road 2262 Goshen on Nov. 20.

Lagers, Missouri Local Government Employees Retirement to Truman Timber LLC property in Sections 13,14,23,24,33 for $650,688.27 on Nov. 16.

Nannie Leatherwood to Cecil, Martha Mobley three acres located on County Road 3319 for $65,000 on Nov. 24.

Ronald Lee, Ann Smith to Sunny Kim 901 Elba Highway for $120,000 on Nov. 24.

Kenneth, Sarah Long to David, Traci Wood 9.67 acres on County Road 7707 for $18,956.10 on Nov. 30.

Cindy Mitchell, Joseph, Mayretta Strother to Hancock Properties Inc 111 Main Street Brundidge for $10,000 on Nov. 25.

Travis Northey to Leigh Northey 1306 Alabama Highway 125 Brundidge for $90,950 on May 28.

Gavin, Nancy Prince to Marilyn Bast 621 Lashae Lane for $198,000 on Nov. 17.

Inez, Vachon Streeter to Willie Parker 209 Dr. L.C. McMillian Avenue for $23,500 on Nov. 20.

TB&T to Robert Brown 1924 County Road 2262 Goshen for $325,000 on Nov. 20.

Mary Wade to Jennifer Leonard 63 County Road 3344 for $93,460 on Nov. 19.

Kathy, Michael Wambles to Amy, Herman Allen 219 North George Wallace Drive for &187,000 on Nov. 18.

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