Master Gardener class deadline extended to Dec. 16

Published 2:00 am Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Pike County Extension Office has extended the deadline for its Master Gardener Course until December 18 in hopes of reaching the magic number of 15 that is necessary to conduct the class.

Heath Wesley, Pike County Extension coordinator, said the Master Gardener Course is slated for January through April and at least 15 people are needed to make up a class.

Wesley said a green thumb is not required for participation in the class.

“The Master Gardener class is designed for anyone who would like to learn more about gardening, container or raised-bed gardening or just how to grow a few tomatoes in the backyard,” Wesley said. “The class is also for those who want to know more about lawn care. It’s for those who want to know about soil testing, plant propagation, best management practices and composting.”

Those who participate in the Master Gardener class will learn about fruits and nuts, about entomology and plant pathology.

“The class will also focus on the care and maintenance of landscape plants,” Wesley said. “You’ll learn about weed identification and control — actually, a little about all things horticulture. The Master Gardener class is for everyone who has an interest in gardening and lawn care.”

And, it’s an opportunity to learn from some of the best. All classes are conducted by Auburn specialists with additional instruction and information provided by Extension agents and local experts.

Classes will meet once weekly from 8 a.m. until noon on either Tuesday or Thursday. The cost for the 10-week course is $150, which includes hands-on instruction and all course materials.

“In exchange for the 50 hours of classroom instruction, class members are asked to volunteer 50 hours in support of the Extension program’s efforts or other educational programs,” Wesley said. “This is a outstanding class and we’ve extended the deadline in hopes of getting the number of participants that we need to conduct the class.”

To sign up for Extension’s Master Gardener class, call the Pike County Extension Office at 334-566-0985 or stop by the office at 306 South Three Notch Street in Troy.