Sharing holiday spirit

Published 4:00 am Thursday, November 26, 2015

For those who are looking for a way to share Christmas with someone outside their circle of family and friends, Troy Health and Rehabilitation Center offers a unique opportunity with its “Adopt-a-Resident” program.

Troy Health and Rehab has 155 residents and some of them get a little for Christmas and some get a little bit more, said Jeanette Dawkins, TH&R activities director.

“All of our residents have somebody but some of them have relatives or friends who are able to visit more and do more than others,” Dawkins said. “We make sure that every resident has a gift at Christmastime. They all enjoy getting gifts and some get a lot more than others.”

Dawkins said the “Adopt-a-Resident” program is an opportunity for members of the community to make Christmas a little bit more for residents who would only receive the gift that Santa brings.

“We have a list of adoptable residents and we have their wish lists,” Dawkins said. “Those who would like to adopt a resident for Christmas can choose a male or female. We will provide them with a room number and the wish list for that resident. They may choose any of the items on the wish list or all of them.”

The wish lists are modest and include such items as white socks, pajamas, T-shirts, wraps, body washes, lotions and bar soap.

“The residents like mild soaps like Dove but not Ivory soap and I don’t know why, Dawkins said. “The most costly item on any wish list is a radio/CD player that’s around $25. The residents enjoy music, especially those who don’t participate the activities. For them, it’s good to have a radio or CD player so they can listen to music anytime they want.”

The gifts for the residents may be gift wrapped with the exception of clothes.

“We ask that any clothing items, including socks, be put in gift bags so they don’t have to be unwrapped to be labeled,” Dawkins said.

The Troy Health and Rehab Christmas party will be at 2 p.m. December 18. Those who adopt a resident are asked to deliver the gifts to the center by December 14. “Santa Claus will visit each resident’s room and deliver their gifts in the morning and the Christmas party will be in the afternoon,” Dawkins said. “Those who adopt a resident are invited to attend the party but we cannot reveal the name of their residents.”

Dawkins said the response to last year’s Adopt-a-Resident program was amazing. “The people of Troy are very caring and giving and we appreciate their support of our residents year around and especially at Christmastime,” she said.

The number to call to adopt a resident is 334-566-1176.