Rexton Lee to perform at tailgate event on The Square

Published 2:00 am Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The City of Troy is hosting the final Fall Party on The Square this Friday. The tailgating event will serve as a celebration for the final home game when Troy University plays Georgia Southern.

“We are excited to have Rexton Lee playing this Friday in Downtown Troy,” said Leigh Anne Windham with the City of Troy. “He is the students’ pick for our last Fall Party on The Square.”

Windham encourages the community to enjoy one last party event for the year by taking advantage of the downtown atmosphere, shops and eateries.

“Come out and grab a bite to eat at one of the downtown restaurants,” Windham said. “Come out on The Square and have a great time.”

Windham said she anticipates a good crowd, similar to when The Park Band played before the Troy Homecoming game.

“The students really enjoyed when The Park Band played on The Square,” Windham said. “We think they will especially enjoy this event because they were able to choose the entertainment themselves.”

The event will not only be enjoyable for university students. Windham says that it is a family-friendly event with music appropriate for all ages.

“This event is something that anyone can enjoy,” Windham said. “Families can come, bring their kids, and I know they will not be disappointed. It’s a great time for families and the community to come together for a fun Friday night and enjoy this new fall weather.”

Lee will begin the entertainment at 6:30 p.m. and will wrap up the show at 10:30 p.m.

“We encourage everyone to come out and enjoy this band,” Windham said. “They are very good.”