Old Barn Restaurant wins Best Steak
Published 2:00 am Saturday, October 24, 2015

The Alabama State Cattlemen Association was in Goshen Friday afternoon to present the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association Best Steak award to the Old Barn Restaurant owners, Scott and Amy Chandler. The Old Barn in Goshen was the winner of the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association statewide competition that began in July and was narrowed down to 16 steak restaurants, then four regional winners and then the statewide winner. Amy Chandler said it been rather stress waiting and she actually cried when she was notified the Old Barn was the winner of the prestigious award. Pictured at the award presentation were, from left, Larry Reeves, Association regional vice president; Dr. William Powell, Association executive director; Tom Brady, Pike County past president; Scott Chandler, Amy Chandler, Richard Meadows, Pike Couny Cattlemen’s Association vice president; B.B Palmer, Pike County Cattlemen’s Association president; and Bill Hixon, Pike County Cattlemen’s Association past-president. In front, Jaycie, Clara and Lexi Chandler.