Balloons launched to raise funds for TRMC

Published 4:00 am Friday, October 23, 2015

MESSENGER PHOTO/COURTNEY PATTERSON More than 302 balloons were released at Troy Regional Medical Center Thursday during the 2015 Balloon Launch to raise funds for TRMC.

More than 302 balloons were released at Troy Regional Medical Center Thursday during the 2015 Balloon Launch to raise funds for TRMC.

More than 300 balloons took flight Thursday in a fund-raiser for Troy Regional Medical Center.

“We are really excited to have met our goal,” said Teresa Grimes, hospital CEO. “We are looking forward to see how far the balloons travel and to see who finds them and calls in. The community always looks forward to hearing where the balloons have been found.”

Each balloon was sold for $100, with all of the funding going toward installing glass walls in the TRMC Emergency Department.

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“I think it will improve guest satisfaction,” Grimes said. “I think it’s going to be great.”

The Troy Rotary Club partners with the Pike Medical Board to host the Balloon Launch.

“We are really happy to help support making this a better place for people to come,” said Ed Hedden, Troy Rotary Club president. “All of the money that I brought in really helps make this a better hospital for all of us.”


Dr. Steve Garrott, chairman of the Pike Medical Board, said events like this are the reason that TRMC has been able to turn the reputation around in the community.

“The hospital’s reputation has improved tremendously,” Garrott said. “The hospital has gone through some tremendous renovations in the past two or three years. These kinds of events allows the people to see what the hospital is all about and get a firsthand look on what is going on here.”

Before the balloons were launched, families were able to see a hot air balloon be filled and they were able to sit in the basket. Tethered rides in the hot air balloon were not an option due Thursday’s wind condition.

MESSENGER PHOTO/COURTNEY PATTERSON More than 302 balloons were released at Troy Regional Medical Center Thursday during the 2015 Balloon Launch to raise funds for TRMC.

More than 302 balloons were released at Troy Regional Medical Center Thursday during the 2015 Balloon Launch to raise funds for TRMC.

“We were hoping the wind would cooperate so we could do the rides,” Grimes said.

Grimes said that TRMC looks forward to hosting events like the Balloon Launch, because it is a way to show the community how much TRMC cares.

“We are always looking for was to give back to the community,” Grimes said. “The community gives to us, and we want the community to know we appreciate the things they do for us.

“This is our way of making sure that we are part of the community,” Grimes said. “This is just one way that we give back to them for what they do for us.”