Siberian husky wins 2016 Pet Photo Contest

Published 4:00 am Friday, October 16, 2015

MESSENGER PHOTO/JAINE TREADWELL Bandit, the best friend of Steve and Dell Stokes, took top place honors in the annual Pet Photo Contest with 975 votes and will be featured on the cover of the humane society’s 2016 Pet Photo Calendar along with a feature story.

Bandit, the best friend of Steve and Dell Stokes, took top place honors in the annual Pet Photo Contest with 975 votes and will be featured on the cover of the humane society’s 2016 Pet Photo Calendar along with a feature story.

A Siberian husky who is right at home in the hot, sunny South is the winner of the 2016 Pet Photo Contest sponsored by the Humane Society of Pike County.

Bandit, the best friend of Steve and Dell Stokes, took top place honors in the annual Pet Photo Contest with 975 votes and will be featured on the cover of the humane society’s 2016 Pet Photo Calendar along with a feature story.

Steve Stokes said he and his wife inherited Bandit from their son, Jeremy, when he moved to be closer to his work.

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And, it was right and fitting that Bandit should move into the Stokes’ home where he was partnered with their Siberian husky, Smokey.

“Smokey and the Bandit” are quite a pair and would probably have teamed up in the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race if given the chance. But, they are both happy and content sleeping in their air condition Alabama home.

“It’s a miracle that we have Bandit,” Stokes said. “Jeremy got him when he was just a puppy. Even though Bandit had all of his shots, he got parvo. He was a very sick puppy. I didn’t think he would make it. Doctor Doug (Hawkins) said he would do everything he could be he wasn’t sure Bandit would make it either. Doctor Doug saved Bandit’s life. I know that for sure.”

Bandit is “personable” his best friend said and that’s what qualified him to be a cover dog.

“He’s personable and he’s a pretty dog with the clearest blue eyes,” Stokes said. “Of course, I’m an animal lover and I especially love dogs. And, Bandit is ours and he loves us like we love him.”

But it wasn’t Bandit’s winning personality or his baby blues that figured into Stokes’ decision to enter him in the 2016 Pet Photo Contest. It was the encouragement of friends.

“They talked me into it,” Stokes said. “I didn’t enter Bandit thinking he would win because I knew it would take a lot of votes.”

Stokes said he, his wife and sisters voted for Bandit. “What was so exciting was that so many other people voted for him,” Stokes said.

“We appreciate everybody that voted for Bandit. It took nearly a thousand votes to win and I didn’t ever think he’d get that may votes. But we’re real proud and proud of him.”

In speaking for Bandit, Stokes said his favorite place is the picnic table on the patio.

“He owns it,” Stokes said. “He likes to jump in the recliner with me and he really likes to ride in the truck.”

Bandit doesn’t ride in the bed of the truck, though. He rides shotgun.

“He sits right up in the cab like he’s somebody,” Stokes said, laughing.

Bandit also likes yapping it up with the neighbors’ dogs next door on South Folmar Street in Troy. Stokes lets him visit a while but when he says, “enough,” Bandit cuts the small talk.

“He’s been to the Pet Smart Obedience School,” Stokes said.

“We have a photo of him with his graduation cap on. He’s a good pet. We couldn’t have a better one.”

Bandit and his story will be featured on the Humane Society of Alabama’s 2016 Pet Photo Calendar. The calendars will include photos of all 73 entries in the pet photo contest. The calendars will be available in November at a cost of $10.

Go online at to view contest entries and information about calendar sales.