Troy Music Study Club holds first meeting of year

Published 2:00 am Wednesday, October 14, 2015

SUBMITTED PHOTO Pictured in from, from left, are Amanda Ford, vice president, and Lyra Crapps, president. Pictured in back, from left, are Bill Denison, choral director; Dovie Cuthcen, accompanist; Betty Spann, reporter; Angie Roling, secretary and June Kendrick, treasurer.

Pictured in from, from left, are Amanda Ford, vice president, and Lyra Crapps, president. Pictured in back, from left, are Bill Denison, choral director; Dovie Cuthcen, accompanist; Betty Spann, reporter; Angie Roling, secretary and June Kendrick, treasurer.

John and Lyndia Dew hosted the first meeting of the club year for Troy Music Study Club on Monday, Sept. 28. The members convened at 6 p.m. for the covered dish dinner.

Following the meal, Lyra Crapps, president for 2015-2017 called the meeting to order and asked for a moment of silence in memory of two of our club members, Millie Walter and Ellis Bush Sr. She welcomed members and thanked the Dews for hosting the meeting and Lyndia for getting the yearbooks printed. Crapps then led the Federation Collect. Bill Denison led the singing of the Federation Hymn and September’s Together We Sing accompanied by Dovie Cutchen. Joyce Dix gave the background of the September song, “The Star Spangled Banner,” our National Anthem by Francis Scott Key. Music in Poetry Chairman, June Kendrick read “Digging for China” by American Poet Richard Wilbur, who was USA’s Poet Laureate in the 1950’s.

During the business session, committee chairmen and officers gave reports. Betty Spann reported on the Alabama Federation of Music Club’s fall board meeting, which met Sept. 19 at Crestway Baptist Church in Birmingham. Troy Club received several certificates from the National Federation in recognition of work done . Crapps and Jerry and Betty Spann attended.

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Crapps appointed a committee to plan a celebration of the club’s 110th birthday in October. The committee is composed of Betty Spann, Jim Roling, Betty Chancellor and Bill Denison.

An invitation was read by Dr. Diane Orlofsky inviting our members to a concert Sunday Nov. 8 at Bush Memorial Baptist Church by Troy University Concert Chorale.

After a presentation and discussion, the Troy Music Study Club voted to give their Mason-Hamlin Piano, purchased by the club and unveiled in 1920, to the Johnson Cultural Arts Center. He has been housed in the Round Room of the First United Methodist Church.

John Dew presented a program on the History of Reggae. He explained how the culture of Jamaica has influenced the music of this island which was occupied by the British, African and American peoples. He distributed copies of the lyrics of two of Bob Marley’s songs. Then Dew played recordings of the songs for the members to listen and follow. The songs were “One Love” which is used in some TV commercials in USA and “Jammin in the Name of the Lord.”

The meeting adjourned to meet again Oct. 26 in the home of Bill and Jane Denison with Melanie Hawkins as co-host.

The Troy Music Study Club, founded in 1905, is affiliated with the National Federation of Music Clubs and the Alabama Federation of Music Clubs.