Scouting benefits from United Way
Published 4:00 am Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Robby Sharp, assistant scoutmaster Cub Scout Pack 54 in Troy and Dr. David Runyon, scoutmaster Troop 54 in Troy, surround themselves with boys and young men who are committed to upholding the Boy Scout Law by doing their duty to God and country, to other people and to themselves.
“Scouting is a leadership development program and a character building program,” Runyon said. “Scouting teaches young men to become good citizens and to have respect for their fellowman and for the great outdoors.”
Boy Scout Troop 54 and Cub Scout Pack 54 are members of the Alabama-Florida Council of the Boy Scouts of America, which is supported, in part, with funding from the Pike County United Way.
This year, the funds the local Scouting programs receive from the United Way will go directly to Troop 54 and Pack 54.
“In the past, the funds have been channeled through the Alabama-Florida Council,” Runyon said. “The funds will go to our troop and pack and will be used to purchase needed camping equipment and materials for our different programs. Our troop will continue to support the Council, but these funds will assist us on the local level.”
Pack 54 has about 25 Cubs and Webelos and Troop 54 has 13 active Scouts. Those numbers could change with the new school year.
Sharp said the Cub Scout program is being revamped and will come more in line with the Boy Scout program.
“We are going to be getting outdoors more and doing more camping among other things, Sharp said. “This is what the Cubs said they would like to do.
The Cubs will participate in Akela Camp at Camp Ala-Flo on Halloween.
“This will be a family event,” Sharp said. “The ‘Legend of Sleepy Ala-Flo’ will be a lot of fun and a great event for Halloween.”
Another coming attraction for the Cubs will be a campout on the Battleship USS Alabama in mid-September.
The Boy Scouts are looking forward to Woodsmoke Rendezvous, which is an 1840s camporee in Andalusia.
Sharp said Cub Scouts progress from rank to rank by learning new skills. Each of the ranks and awards has its own requirements. As a Cub advances the requirement got more challenging.
Boy Scouting offers a series of surmountable obstacles and steps in overcoming them through the advancement method. The Boy Scouts earn merit badges to move from one rank to the other with Eagle Scout being the highest rank in Scouting for boys.
“The rank of Eagle Scout on a resume carries a lot of weight,” Runyon said. “It shows, among many things, that a young man will stick to a task, and that is a valuable trait in today’s world.”
As Scouts advance, much is asked of them and much is required. Running a pack of troop takes funds. The Scouts participate in an annual popcorn fundraiser to help fund programs and activities.
“We depend on the support we receive from the Pike County United Way to help fund the programs we offer the Scouts,” Runyon said. “Without this support, we would have to limit and maybe eliminate some of these programs and activities.”
Both scoutmasters said they greatly appreciate the Pike County United Way and its support of Scouting in Pike County.
Boys interested in the Scouting programs may contact Sharp at and Runyon at