Entries still accepted for Pet Photo Contest

Published 3:00 am Saturday, August 22, 2015

The Humane Society of Pike County’s 2016 Pet Photo Contest is underway, and entries are coming in steadily in what promises to be a fight to the finish.

The “fights” have traditionally been “cat fights” with cats taking top honors in five of the seven previous contests. One dog and a pair of matched mules have graced the cover of the Pet Photo calendar, and it’s anybody’s guess as to whether this year’s winner will be a feline or a canine or “other.”

“It could possibly be a possum,” said Donna Brockmann, Pet Photo Contest coordinator. “There is talk that a pet possum might give the dogs and cats a run for their money. Then, a couple of hedgehogs have been hinted.”

Brockmann said the mules, Pete and Ginny, have not entered the contest, but the deadline for entry is not until Sept. 10, so there’s plenty of time for other pets to be entered.

“We encourage all pet owners to enter their animals in the 2016 Pet Photo Contest,” she said. “It’s fun, and it’s a good way to support the Humane Society of Pike County’s spay and neuter, feral cat and families-in-need programs.

The pet that receives the most votes at $1 each will be declared the winner of the 2016 Pet Photo Contest and will be featured on the cover of the 2016 Pet Photo Calendar.

There will be a total of 66 winners in the contest, 13 monthly winners and 53 weekly winners. Other entries will be give honorable mention status and will also be pictured on the calendar.

To enter a pet in the Pet Photo Contest, submit an 8×10 photo of the pet (no people included), an entry form with name, address, phone number, email address and the pet’s name and brief comments about the pet or the photo and a $10 donation to the Humane Society of Pike County, P.O. Box 296, Troy, AL 36081, or enter online at www.pikehumane.org. Online entries should be filed at the highest resolution possible.

Entries may also be dropped off at The Little Framery, Troy Antiques, Guynn’s Income Tax and Bookkeeping Services in Troy and Jinright’s Hillside Antiques on Highway 231 south.

Those who drop off their photo entries at one of the specified locations should include entry form information. Entries will be accepted through Sept. 10.

Votes in the 2016 Pet Photo Contest will be accepted until 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 30. Online voting and viewing are available at www.pikehumane.org. Voting may also be done at the drop-off sites.