Students urged to take advantage of opportunities school year holds

Published 11:52 pm Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The swimming pools are empty, Vacation Bible Schools are over and school is back in full force.
With new administrators, faculty and students, the 2015-2016 school year is looking bright for area school systems.
Dr. Lee Hicks, TCS superintendent, and Dr. Mark Bazzell, PCS superintendent, have both expressed their excitement for the upcoming school year. More than anything, it’s important for students to understand the opportunities being afforded to them by their respective school systems and to take advantage of the many avenues available to them.
Pike County Schools has introduced an Arts Academy for 10th through 12th graders through a partnership with Troy University, and students will have the opportunity to work towards and Associate’s Degree while still just in high school. The system’s AgriScience program, based at Goshen High School and offered in collaboration with Enterprise State and Wallace Community Colleges, also give the opportunity to earn an associate’s degree while in high school, as does the Business and Finance Academy sponsored by First National Bank. A new STEM Academy, which will challenge students in math and science, will also kick off this school year.
At the Troy City Schools, dual-enrollment programs with Troy University are being offered on the Charles Henderson High School campus for juniors and seniors. The school also offers three Advanced Placement Courses and is expanding its academic offerings to create AP track courses in earlier grades. TCS also welcomes a Confucius Institute classroom sponsored by China and Troy University on the CHMS campus. The classroom will allow students interested to connect with Chinese culture through a better understanding of the lifestyle, cuisines, clothing art and even music.
Separate from TCS and PCS, the Pike Liberal Arts family is boasting more than 500 students this year, which is the first time in a while the school has reached this milestone.
PLAS students will also have the ability to work with an enhanced robot and rocketry class sponsored by Auburn University and Best Robotics, a program continuing from this past year.
With all the opportunities afforded to students in TCS, PCS or even PLAS, the sky is the limit for students willing to apply themselves and stretch beyond their comfort zones.