Humane Society gears up for fall

Published 3:00 am Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Humane Society of Pike County is coming off the heels of a very successful spay and neuter program in June and is beginning to raise funds for another spay and neuter program in the fall.

Jack Rainey, humane society president, said, during the month-long program, local veterinarians performed about 350 surgical procedures that will go a long way in reducing the number of unwanted and abused dogs and cats in Pike County.

“The Humane Society of Pike County is committed to the spay and neuter program,” Rainey said. “The goal is to offer two programs each year. One in the early summer and the other in the fall. The spay and neuter program is available to anyone who lives in Pike County and will pay $50 toward each surgical procedure. That is a big cost savings to pet owners.”

Local veterinarians participate in the program making it convenient for residents to participate.

“Plans are to offer the program again in the fall,” Rainey said. “Then, we’ll be able to have another 300-plus animal spayed and neutered in 2015.”

The spay and neuter program is supported through donations and the fundraising efforts of the Humane Society of Pike County.

The humane society also sponsors a feral cat program in which feral cats are taken to a local veterinarian, checked and vaccinated and spayed or neutered and returned to their colonies if they are healthy.

“Residents can take feral cats to a local veterinarians and the humane society will pick up the charges,” he said. “If there’s a feral cat hanging around that you can’t put your hands on, the humane society has cages available for the trapping of the cats,” he said. “This is a very important program because cats multiply so fast in the wild. A cat will have about six kittens to the litter and they breed every six to eight months. In about six months the ‘kittens’ will have kittens and, in a few years, two cats will have multiplied to a thousand or more. That’s how important the feral cat program is.”

The Humane Society of Pike County also has a “family in need program” to assist families that are facing financial difficulties and unable to take care of their pets but want to keep them.

“Veterinarians let us know when these situations arise and the humane society will provide assistance in the way of food or other needs of the pets,” Rainey said.

Those who would like to make a donation to the Humane Society of Pike County may make checks payable to the Humane Society of Pike County c/o Jack Rainey, 431 West College Street, Troy, AL 36081. If the donation is specifically for the spay and neuter program or the feral cat program, please specify.