OUT WITH A BANG: Boys and Girls Club ends summer with celebration
Published 4:00 am Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Boys and Girls Club ended the summer season with a bang by hosting games and a day full of fun for the students. They brought in a DJ, a bouncy house and had game rotations, tug of war, crab soccer, relay races, three-legged races, balloon races, a cook-out and ice cream.
- MESSENGER PHOTO/COURTNEY PATTERSON The Boys and Girls Club ended the summer season with a bang by hosting games and a day full of fun for the students. They brought in a DJ, a bouncy house and had game rotations, tug of war, crab soccer, relay races, three-legged races, balloon races, a cook-out and ice cream.
- MESSENGER PHOTO/COURTNEY PATTERSON The Boys and Girls Club ended the summer season with a bang by hosting games and a day full of fun for the students. They brought in a DJ, a bouncy house and had game rotations, tug of war, crab soccer, relay races, three-legged races, balloon races, a cook-out and ice cream.