Police reports for July 11, 2015

Published 2:00 am Saturday, July 11, 2015

Arrest Reports:

Tuesday, July 7

Tarrant, Kaelah Jhanet, Age 22, Elm Street, Obstructing Government Operations

Wednesday, July 8

Carlisle, Tracey, Age 40, Merrily Drive, Theft of Property Third Degree

Paramore, Eddie Ford, Age 51, County Road 2203, Goshen, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Alias Writ of Arrest, and Driving While License Suspended

Holland, Henry Clayton, Age 30, Lilly Lane, Greenville, Alias Writ of Arrest

Thomas, Jason Michael, Age 28, S 3 aNotch Street, Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol

Thursday, July 9

Jesar, Qadree Ata, Age 32, Crystal Drive, Ozark, Falsely Reporting Incident

Jones, Justin Demond, Age 22, Walter Drive, Resisting Arrest, Attempting to Elude a Police Officer and Failing to Appear (Traffic)

Thomas, April Denise, Age 48, S Knox Street, Disorderly Conduct

Friday, July 10

Foster, Darron Deon, Age 26, Kindred Road, Alias Writ of Arrest

Incident Reports:

Tuesday, July 7

Domestic Dispute on US Highway 231

Obstructing Government Operations on US Highway 231

Theft of Property on US Highway 231

Found Property on N Folmar Street

Theft of Property on Orion Street

Wedneday, July 8

Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Alias Writ of Arrest on US Highway 231

Domestic Dispute on Rose Circle

Trespass Warning on Crowe Street

Trespass Warning on N Three Notch Street

Theft of Property Third Degree on Terrace Trail

Runaway Juvenile on N Three Notch Street

Theft of Property on University Avenue

Suspicious circumstances on Gibbs Street

Civil Dispute and Domestic Dispute on Orion Street

Harassment and Menacing at Greens Mobile Home Park

Thursday, July 9

Domestic Dispute on Robin Drive

Suspicious Circumstances on US Highway 231

Damage to Property on E Academy Street

Domestic Violence Third Degree on County Road 2208

Trespass Warning and Damage to Private Property on US Highway 231

Driving While License Revoked on S Knox Street

Criminal Trespass Third Degree on S Central Avenue

Trespass Notice on Pike County Lake Road

Resisting Arrest and Attempting to Elude a Police Officer on Park Street

Domestic Violence Third Degree on Senn Court

Damage to property on Hanchey Street

Domestic Dispute on Elm Street

Harassment on Senn Court

Theft of Property on US Highway 231

Friday, July 10

Towed Vehicle (License Suspended) on US Highway 231