Johnson Center membership drive underway

Published 3:00 am Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Johnson Center for the Arts has got a deal for you.

That’s the way Vicki Pritchett, Johnson Center executive director, described the art center’s membership drive that is just getting underway.

“As far as memberships, we are doing something that we have never done before,” Pritchett said. “We are offering some really great benefits at different levels of membership including members-only events.”

Pritchett said several of the members-only events were already under construction and is eager to show off the rest.

“One of those members-only events is an art trip to Europe put together for us by Pam Smith,” Pritchett said. “Pam has led Charles Henderson High School trips abroad for years so it will be an outstanding trip. And, again, it’s an art trip and the arts are what the Johnson Center is all about.”

Pritchett said, in addition to the art trip to Europe, plans are also being made for weekend and day trips for members only.

“And there are other perks for members only,” she said. “This membership drive has a lot to offer and we are looking forward to a very successful membership campaign.”

Earl Ellis, chair of the Johnson Center’s membership committee, agreed the membership campaign for 2015 should be one for the record books.

“This will be an exciting membership drive because of the benefits offered at the different levels,” Ellis said. “The higher the level of membership, the more benefits that are afforded to our contributors. The levels range from individual memberships at $30 and family memberships at $100, up to different levels of sponsorship, which go as high as $5,000. Of course, contributors can certainly give more if they would like.”

And a couple of contributors will give more.

“We have two anonymous donors that will match dollar-for-dollar up to $10,000,” Ellis said.

The benefits of membership include discounts on travel opportunities offered through the center, special pricing for Johnson Center sponsored events including the Christmas Gala and discounts on the rental of The Studio and other areas of the Johnson Center.

Ellis said the membership drive is important because the dues support the operating costs associated with the Johnson Center for the Arts.

“The Johnson Center has a limited staff but they work hard every day and they must be paid,” he said. “There are maintenance costs, utilities that have to be paid and insurance.”

Ellis said the City of Troy supports the Johnson Center but does not own the center.

The Johnson Center depends primarily on memberships, contributions and grant funding to keep the doors open and admission free.

“In addition to the art gallery, we have The Studio where different events and meetings are held,” Ellis said.

“We also have the annex, which was the old railway express agency building. It is used for educational purposes. There are a lot of expenses associated with these arts facilities.

“We encourage those who enjoy the benefits afforded our community through these arts facilities to become a member of the Johnson Center. The individual benefits are many and so are the benefits to our community.”

Johnson Center for the Arts memberships for 2015 are available at the Johnson Center, 300 East Walnut Street in Troy or by calling 334-670-2287.