Summer brings more juvenile cases

Published 4:00 am Saturday, June 6, 2015

Since the end of school several juveniles have been arrested and while some have been minor charges, Troy Police have closed two significant cases involving minors.

“We’ve arrested one juvenile male for two counts of fraudulent use of a credit card, meaning you’re using it and it isn’t yours,” said Lt. Bryan Weed, public information officer for Troy PD. “He had one count of illegally possessing a credit card, as well. That property came from a breaking and entering that occurred at The Grove apartments. We arrested a juvenile female for three counts of fraudulent use of a credit card after a wallet was stolen from Goshen Elementary School. We arrested a Brittany Marchell Woods, 28, of Troy in connection with the theft. She is charged with three counts of fraudulent use of a credit card, as well.”

Weed said the police department had taken reports of other breaking and enterings at other apartment complexes in Troy and said officers were strongly encouraging that residents keep their valuables in a safe place and their doors locked.

“Being that it’s summer time and people travel more in the summer time is always recommended to be aware of what you’re leaving in your vehicles, especially if you’re leaving your keys in your car,” Weed said. “We also ask that people maintain an awareness of their surroundings. If you spot any suspicious activities or someone you don’t typical see in your neighborhood, please give the police department a call. If we don’t know about it, we are unable to do anything about it.”

Weed also said the department not only encouraged people to be aware of their surroundings and on the look out for suspicious activity but to try and get young children and teenagers out of school enrolled in a summer program to help keep them busy and out of trouble.

“In light of the recent juvenile arrest, we encourage parents to get their children involved in summer activities during the summer months,” Weed said. “The Troy Parks and Recreation Department offer many different activities for children out of school to get involved in that can help keep them out of trouble.”