First graders at Banks School participate in red nose day (PHOTO)

Published 3:00 am Saturday, June 6, 2015

On May 21 people all across the United States joined together to celebrate Red Nose Day. Red Nose Day is a campaign dedicated to raising money and awareness for children living in poverty all across our nation. The first grade classes at Banks School asked teachers, parents, grandparents and students to bring in pocket change so that they could end their school year by making a difference in the lives of others. The students raised $252 for this cause. SUBMITTED PHOTO

On May 21 people all across the United States joined together to celebrate Red Nose Day. Red Nose Day is a campaign dedicated to raising money and awareness for children living in poverty all across our nation. The first grade classes at Banks School asked teachers, parents, grandparents and students to bring in pocket change so that they could end their school year by making a difference in the lives of others. The students raised $252 for this cause.

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