Troy Music Study Club has members’ recital
Published 2:00 am Saturday, May 23, 2015

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Pictured are Lyra Crapps, the new president of Troy Music Study Club, seated; from back left, Angie Roling, secretary; Bill Denison, choral director; Dovie Cuchn, accompanist; Betty Spann, reporter/historian; and June Kendrick, treasurer.
The Troy Music Study Club met for its last meeting for this club year Monday night May 18 in the home of Dovie Cutchen with Ginny Hamm and Angie and Jim Roling as co hosts.
President Lyndia Dew welcomed the members and led the Federation Collect. The Federation Hymn and the “Together We Sing” songs were sung and led by Bill Denison and accompanied by Lyra Crapps. Betty Chancellor gave the background for the May song, “There’s Music In the Air” by Fanny Crosby and George F. Root. Music in Poetry chairperson June Kendrick reviewed the life of the poet Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings. She then read Rawlings’ poem, “A Kitchen Artistic” from her book Songs of the Housewife.
During the business session reports were given by officers and committee chairmen. President Dew thanked the members for the work done this club year. Members applauded Dew for her leadership for 2013-2015 club years. Officers for the 2015-2017 biennium are Lyra Crapps, president; Amanda Ford, vice president; Angie Roling, secretary; June Kendrick, treasurer; Bill Denison, choral director; Dovie Cutchen, accompanist; Betty Spann, reporter and historian.
The program, “Members’ Recital” coordinated by Angie Roling was as follows: 1. Lyra Crapps, pianist, played “Rhapsody in G Minor, Op 79. No.2 by Johannes Brahms. 2. Betty Chancellor sang “What Will You Do With Jesus” by B.B. McKinney (1940) accompanied by Lyra Crapps. 3. Bill Denison, pianist, played Prelude in D Flat Major by Frederic Chopin. 4. Betty Spann gave the background of the Hymn “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee” by Ludwig van Beethoven and Henry van Dyke. The Club members then sang all verses led by Jerry Spann and accompanied by Betty Spann at the piano. 5. Angie Roling played “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, Thirteenth-century Plainsong arranged by Cindy Berry. Jim Roling gave the background information for this song. 6. Lyndia and John Dew sang “Sweet By and By” by Joseph P. Webster and S. Fillmore Bennet. John accompanied them with the Banjo. 7. June Kendrick with her pet sidekick, Toby, sang “My Guy by Smokey Robinson, Jr. with Dovie Cutchen at the piano. 8. Ginny Hamm read “The Day is Done” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Following the program, a social hour was enjoyed and refreshments were served by the hosts.
The Troy Music Study Club, founded in 1905, is affiliated with the National Federation of Music Clubs and the Alabama Federation of Music Clubs.