Shopping center sign approved
Published 3:00 am Friday, May 22, 2015
After having two agenda items withdrawn from the Troy Board of Adjustment meeting, the board made quick work of their remaining agenda items.
Case No. 1009 submitted by Michael Carnley was a request for a variance to construct a 3,600 plus square foot structure in the 800 block of S. Three Notch Street in a C1 neighborhood commercial zoning district. Carnley withdrew his request May 18. Although Carnley withdrew his request, Jack Norton did say prior to the start of Thursday’s meeting that Carnley could resubmit his request to the board at any time.
Case No. 1010 was also withdrawn prior to Thursday’s meeting. Walter Stell, representing Carolina Girls, LLC, submitted a request asking for a variance to allow for 18 patio home lots to be developed on a street without curb and gutter to the west and not including 1280 Enzor Road, which is in an RR reserved residential zoning district.
Like Carnley, Norton said Stell and Carolina Girls, LLC had the opportunity to resubmit the request if they so choose.
Of the remaining case on the meeting agenda, the board heard a request from Bill Ware with Harbert Realty Services.
Ware first started by thanking the City of Troy, Troy Mayor Jason Reeves and the Troy community for welcoming Publix to the area.
“We are very happy and proud to be able to bring Publix to the citizens and the community of Troy,” Ware said. “It’s been a long arduous process. What a pleasure it’s been to work with the mayor and his staff, Melissa and all the other individuals I’ve worked with over the last two years to make this happen.”
Ware requested a variance from the sign regulation to allow the signage as shown on the Park Place Shopping Development plan to be located at 1147 US Highway 231 South in a C4 Commercial Zoning District.
“With Publix comes a number of requirements for developers and developments,” Ware said. “They have the Publix Bible, or the Site Development Handbook. It provides all you would want, need or otherwise should now about building a Publix store or a shopping center development.”
Ware said the signage would look very similar if not identical to the signage on the Enterprise Publix.
Ware’s request for the sign variance was unanimously approved by the board.
The board also approved a request for a special exception for a Tier 2 Home to allow for the operation of a lawn maintenance home-based business by Parker Messick.
Messick said he just simply hoped to be able to cut a few yards, but did not believe the business would create more traffic.
“I would like to get a lawn license where I could operate and cut a few yards…It will not create anymore traffic than what it’s already done,” Messick said. “I have basically what I had before. No one sees it from the street. Nothing will change. I will not buy anymore equipment. I’m still going to use my old pick up as long as it runs.”
The board approved Messick’s request unanimously provided he followed the conditions outlined within the variance.
The board also approved Patsor Marion Johnson of SCCA of 7th Day Adventists request to allow for the construction of an addition on the already existing church. Johnson said the church was small and they hoped to be able to add to their bathroom capacity as well as their fellowship hall with the addition.
“We have a little, small church that’s been there for over 25 years,” Johnson said. “We’ve been making improvements slowly. Our hope is we can add an addition in our church so we can increase our bathroom capacity and our fellowship hall. We think it will be a nice building. It’s going to be a nice building.”
Johnson said they would hope to add 20 feet and renovate some of the inside of the existing structure to be compatible with the addition the church will be putting in.
The board also approved a request for a special exception and a variance to allow the operation of a storage facility and propane store with two above-ground propane tanks on Henderson Highway.
Chad McCroy with Casey Propane said the company wished to expand from their Andalusia and Selma businesses to the Troy community.
“I know there are some people who recognize the name Casey Propane form the 80s and 90s, that was my dad,” McCroy said. “What we’re looking at is the property 1216 Henderson Highway. It’s kind of a an L shaped property.”
The board approved the request with the condition that the ordinance was just for Casey Propane and that should McCroy decide to sell the property, a new ordinance would have to be given.
The board also approved for a front-yard setback to construct an addition on an existing structure on S. George Wallace Drive.
Buck Watkins, with Watkins Consulting Engineering, represented Dr. Allen Dunn.
Dr. Dunn is planning on extending his existing business on the south side of his existing building,” Watkins said. “I have been out there and evaluated the site. There is good site distance out there now, which will improve. There is a parking space close to the road and on this development that will be done away with. It’ll be pushed back so it’ll open up the line of sight there. We’re asking for about 50 feet on the south side of the building and on the north side. There’ll be improvements to the entrance.”
The board unanimously approved Dunn’s request for the setback variance.
The board of adjustments meets every third Thursday of the month at 4 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Troy City Hall.