Mortgages for May 14, 2015

Published 2:00 am Thursday, May 14, 2015

TB&T to Kristen Wesley and Zachary Wesley 803 Pine St. for $153,061 on May 11.

IBERIABANK Mortgage Company to Wesley Pennington and Danielle Pennington 6712 County Road 5511 for $259,900 on May 12.

Bank of America to Joe Johnson and Angel Johnson 360 Enzor Road for $104,900 on April 22.

TB&T to Michael Arrington and Dorothy Arrington 1122 County Road 6642 Banks for $80,000 on May 7.

Cartus Home Loans DBA to Bryan Campbell and Alison Campbell 1486 County Road 5508 for $201, 286 on May 5.

Brantley Bank and Trust Company to James Currie 103 Ingram Drive for $242,842.35 on May 1.

TB&T to James Golden and Judy Golden 220 Palos Verdes Drie for $215,200 on April 22.

Army Aviation Center Federal Credit Union to Dan Henley and Linda Henley 5428 County Road 3304 for $25,000 on April 27.

Regions to James McPherson and Vicki McPherson 2495 Henderson Hwy for $14,000 on April 17.

TB&T to Malcolm McSwean 312 W. Orange St. for $35,000 on May 6.

Wells Fargo Bank NA to Kenneth Miller 217 Highland Ave. for $69,600 on April 27.

MERS o Emily Price and Mitchell Price 113 Pine Grove Dr. for $4,197 on April 30.

TB&T to Sellers Builders, Inc. 102 Diamond Fields Dr. for $135,150 on May 7.

MERS to David Smith and Retha Smith 137 Green Dr. for $89,200 on April 22.

TB&T to Jeannie Swindall 3207 County Road 1128 for $60,000 on May 5.

TB&T to Jessica Webb and Tyler Webb 110 Palos Verdes Dr. for $416,000 on May 6.

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