Readers needed for Bible marathon
Published 3:00 am Tuesday, April 28, 2015
The 2015 Pike County Bible Reading Marathon will begin at 6 p.m. Sunday, May 3 on the square in downtown Troy and will conclude at noon on May 7, the National Day of Prayer.
Donnie Dunn, Evangelism director for the Salem-Troy Baptist Association, which sponsors the annual Bible Reading Marathon, said the mission of the 91-hour event is to watch over God’s word and to share it with the belief that it won’t return fruitless but will accomplish His divine purpose.
“The Bible Reading Marathon is open to all who believe in God and trust in Him,” Dunn said. “The Bible Reading Marathon is non-denominational. People of all ages are invited to come and read, — individuals, church groups, clubs, schools, — anyone who wants to be a part of sharing God’s word.”
The Bible Reading Marathon will begin with Genesis I:1 and officially conclude with Revelation 22:21. However, Dunn said the Bible is usually read in its entirety with time to spare but the reading continues beginning with the Gospel according to Matthew in the New Testament.
Dunn said readers are asked to read for 15 minutes but many choose to read longer or at several different times.
“Reading in 15-minute increments, we need a total of 600 readers or 600 commitments,” Dunn said. “The daytime and early evening slots fill up much quicker than the early morning and late night hours but right now we have slots available throughout the day and night.”
Dunn said volunteers are also need to be at the site in support of the readers.
“We have a group of men who volunteer during the late night and early morning hours,” he said. “The Troy Police Department also has a presence on the square during those times. So, it’s a safe environment for the readers, for those who come to listen and for those who volunteer.”
The scripture reading of the 2015 Bible Reading Marathon will begin at 6 p.m. but the event will kickoff at 4 p.m. with music by the Troy University Praise Band, the Lighthouse Singers and Beauty for Ashes.
“At 5:30, we will have the prayer walk around town and, as we walk, we’ll pray for our nation and our leaders,” Dunn said. “Then at 6 p.m., the Bible Reading Marathon will begin.”
Ninety-one hours later, at noon on Thursday, May 7, the 2015 Bible Reading Marathon will concluded on the square in downtown Troy as Americans everywhere honor God and recognize the power of prayer on the National Day of Prayer.
“James Harris, Baptist Convention Board member, will be the guest speaker for the prayer service.” Dunn said.
“He was the guest speaker at last year’s prayer service and his words were uplifting, inspiring and thought-provoking.”
Dunn said everyone is invited to be a part of the Bible Reading Marathon as a reader, a volunteer or by just coming to sit and listen.
To sign up for a reading timeslot, call 334-566-1538 or visit the Salem-Troy Baptist Association at 317 Ray Ave.