Suspect robs delivery man at gunpoint

Published 3:00 am Saturday, April 25, 2015

A local produce vendor was in the process of making a delivery Friday morning when his assistant was robbed at gunpoint.

Troy Police Lt. Bryan Weed said officers responded to a call around 8:50 a.m. in the 800 block of U.S. Highway 231 North at Julia’s Restaurant after receiving calls about a reported robbery.

“A vendor was making a delivery behind Julia’s Restaurant this morning, and while they were in the process of doing that, one of the employees of the vendor was by his truck, and a black male came up to them,” Weed said. The suspect was armed and “demanded they give everything to him.”

The male was described as being 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighing approximately 200 pounds. The suspect was reported to have been wearing a gray hoodie at the time of the incident.

Eyewitnesses reported seeing the suspect leave the area on foot traveling in the direction of Sanders Road.

“We were told he left the area and went to Sanders Road,” Weed said. “Witnesses put him on Sanders Road on foot. We don’t have any information concerning a vehicle at this time.”

Officers are requesting that anyone with information or knowledge of the situation to please come forward.

“If anyone was in the area before or after that time and saw anyone matching that description, please let us know,” Weed said.

Information can be reported in one of three ways, including calling the police department at 566-5500, 566-5555 or individuals may contact CrimeStoppers at 215-STOP (7867).

The robbery is not thought to be connected to any other incidents at this time, according to Weed.

“We have no reason to believe this is connected to any other incidents at this time,” Weed said.