Police reports for April 8, 2015

Published 2:00 am Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Arrest Reports:

Saturday, April 4

Minor arrest on Elm Street for Underage Purchase/Consumptions/Possession of Alcohol

Tolbert, Jonetta, Age 41, McMillian Street, Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol

Poole, Regina Hattaway, Age 54, County Road 6631, Banks, Driving Under the Influence of Controlled Substances, Display of Invalid Insurance, and Improper Lane Usage

Sunday, April 5

Tolbert, Tenisha Nichol, Age 27, US Highway 29, Three Counts of Alias Writ of Arrest

York, Jeffery L., Age 23, Tom Brummett Road, Bethpage, TN, Domestic Violence Third Degree

York, Joshua L., Age 25, W Mount Vernon Road, Bethpage, TN, Domestic Violence Third Degree

Monday, April 6

Still, Mae Charles Seymore, Age 46, N 3 Notch Street, Domestic Violence Third Degree

Tuesday, April 7

Govan, Brandon, Age 24, Cedar Drive, Possession of Marijuana Second Degree

Incident Reports:

Sunday, April 5

Runaway Juvenile on Hubbard Street

Harassment on N Three Notch

Theft of Property on US Highway 231

Harassment on Diana Street

Domestic Violence Third Degree on County Road 2208

Domestic Dispute – Civil Matter on Segars Street

Suspicious circumstances on Butter and Egg Road

Theft of Property First Degree on Washington Street

Domestic Violence on AL Highway 87

Unlawful Breaking and Entering a Vehicle on Hunters Mountain Parkway

Domestic Violence Third Degree on N Three Notch Street

Monday, April 6

Damage to Property on US Highway 231

Domestic Dispute – Civil Matter on E Academy Street

Domestic Violence Third Degree – Criminal Mischief Third Degree on N Three Notch Street

Domestic Violence Third Degree on Boyd Street

Domestic Violence Third Degree on Gibbs Street

Lost property on E Elm Street

Burglary First Degree on Hunters Mountain Parkway

Traffic Accidents:

Friday, March 27

Traffic Accident on Pecan Street no injuries

Tuesday, March 31

Traffic Accident on US Highway 231 and Troy Plaza Street no injuries

Traffic Accident on Country Club Road and Emerald Drive no injuries

Wednesday, April 1

Traffic Accident on S Three Notch Street and US Highway 231 with injuries

Thursday, April 2

Traffic Accident on US Highway 29 and Gibbs Street no injuries

Traffic Accident on US Highway 231 no injuries

Friday, April 3

Traffic Accident on US Highway 231 and S Brundidge Street no injuries

Traffic Accident on First Avenue and Allen Street no injuries

Traffic Accident on US Highway 231 and Troy Plaza Loop no injuries

Saturday, April 4

Traffic Accident on Enzor Road and AL Highway 87 with injuries

Traffic Accident on US Highway 231 and Pioneer Museum with injuries