Board approves sign variance
Published 3:00 am Friday, March 20, 2015
After much discussion the Troy Board of Adjustments granted William Park a variance to the sign ordinance.
The city’s sign ordinance states that a building may only have one sign per entrance, but Parker wanted to put three signs at his business, Premier Credit, located at 413A and 413B S Brundidge St. could have three signs.
“We would like to have three eight foot signs instead of two signs, an eight foot and a 16 foot,” Parker said. “It just looked a lot more professional. There are three businesses that will be there in that building. Two will be on one side of the building and one on the other.”
Parker said the signs would hang under the front beam of the building rather than being hung on the face of the building, which drew some concern from the board.
“The look would be better to pull it out in front,” Parker said. “The beam in the front drops down about three inches further than the rest of the overhang. The signs will be five inches out from the building. You would have to mount them down lower onto the building and it really wouldn’t look right if you did that.”
The signs will be 8 feet wide, 13 inches tall and five inches deep.”
In other items of business the Board of Adjustment:
• Approved the minutes from the last regularly scheduled board of adjustment meeting.
• Approved a two-foot variance to allow for the construction of an addition to an existing dwelling at 204 Palos Verdes Drive in an reserved residential zoning district
• Approved the construction of a guest house behind the principal dwelling located at 215 W. College Street in an low density residential zoning district.