IN REPAIR: Corman Avenue construction ending soon

Published 4:00 am Tuesday, March 17, 2015


A section of Corman Avenue from First Street to A Street has been closed for construction since Feb. 26. Vaughn Daniels, environmental services director, said the road had been closed to repair a clogged storm drain. Daniels said the construction should be completed before week’s end. Above, City of Troy workers put back the “road closed” sign after laying asphalt in the section.


After almost three weeks of construction, the section of Corman Avenue from A Street and First Street soon will be reopened.

Environmental Services Director Vaughn Daniels said the Corman Avenue project should be completed before the week’s end. Workers were repairing a clogged storm drain, which was causing the area to flood during heavy rains.

“The clog was bad, just about any rain would clog the area,” Daniels said. “No water was going through that inlet.”

Daniels said the city had no other option to remove the pipe that had been completely clogged. “It was causing a pool of water to stand in the road, so we had no other options but to remove the pipe that was totally clogged and replace it.”

The section of Corman Avenue has been closed since Feb. 26, and Daniels said the project had taken a bit longer than expected because of recent rains.

“They were trying to get the asphalt down Monday, because last week because of the rain, the asphalt plant was not running so that delayed us even further,” Daniels said.

All in all though, Daniels said he was thankful the project was finally coming to a close and that ultimately he hoped citizens were happy after being inconvenienced for the time it took to fix the drain.

“I’m excited, and I hope the citizens are,” Daniels said. “We had multiple complaints about the water standing, and we’re just happy to have it fixed.”