Wacky, Wild: TES and Banks students go crazy for reading

Published 3:00 am Thursday, March 5, 2015

Students at Banks Primary School show how crazy they are for reading.

Students at Banks Primary School show how crazy they are for reading.

It is called different things. From “shooting the room,” “dropping the bomb” or the ever popular “cutting the cheese,” the deed is something that is typically unspoken. But, on Wacky Wednesday, it was all but unspoken.

Dr. Pat Warren, a professor at Troy University, read “Bart Fubbles” to Vicki Robinson’s second grade class at Troy Elementary School. “Bart Fubbles” is Warren’s own creation, and the kids laughed and smiled throughout the story, never expecting such a subject to be discussed in the classroom.

“I was trying to think of something no one else had ever written about,” Warren said.

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Warren said she had been hoping to write about something that kids know about, and be able to teach them a lesson at the same time.

“You can remember things through a funny story,” Robinson said.

Throughout the week, students have been learning the elements of a story, such as the theme, and several of the students asked Warren about her writing process and how hard it was for her to write her very own book.

“It comes really easy after you get the first few words,” she said. She told the students that they can write a book, themselves, if they wanted to do that.

“One of my favorite things to do is reading to boys and girls,” Warren said. Warren taught elementary school before becoming a college professor.

Dr. Seuss said it best, “You’re never too old, too wacky, too wild, to pick up a book and read to a child,” and Banks Primary School principal Lee Scott echoed Seuss’ sentiments.

“You’re never too old to read,” Scott said. “So it’s nice to have readers come in and read with our children.”

Stories were not the only things wacky on Wednesday. Banks Primary School students wore their clothes inside out, mismatched, and all other crazy ways.

“It’s so nice for the students to dress up and have fun reading,” Scott said. “Not only this week, but every week is a celebration of reading.”

Today, TES students will participate in random acts of kindness, PLAS students will wear green like The Grinch, PCES students will wear fishing gear, Banks students will wear crazy socks and GES studetns will wear crazy hats.

Friday, TES students will dress as their favorite book characters, PLAS students will wear red and white, PCES students will wear green, Banks and GES students will wear pajamas and Covenant Christian students will dress up as their favorite Dr. Seuss characters.