Troy University’s Sorority Hill under construction for new parking lots

Published 3:00 am Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Troy University’s Sorority Hill will be updated with brand new parking lots, currently under construction.

“There was no existing parking up there,” said Herbert Reeves, dean of student services. “There was temporary parking that was made years ago. There was never any permanent parking. The temporary parking has been worn and washed away.

While, the houses are visible from Elm Street, the street that allows entry to the homes is hidden behind the residences. Traveling through the road, there are dips and holes, making it difficult to drive through.

“The road on Sorority Hill has many potholes,” said MeLeah Morris, a junior at Troy University and a resident assistant at the Chi Omega Sorority house. “Girls have had their cars stuck in the pot holes, and my car has faced problems because of them.”

“We’re so excited to have them coming to fix the parking,” said Mary Beth Wasden, a junior at Troy University and president of Kappa Delta Sorority. “There are several holes in the dirt lot that we have now. It also doesn’t drain very well, so we are excited to have pavement.”

Normally, students parked in the grass, on gravel next to the houses, in dirt lots created for temporary parking or just along the road. Parking spots were made wherever a car could fit outside of the houses.

The women on Sorority Hill received a few days notice before the process began, but they are not bothered by the construction going on around them.

“We got a couple of days notice on it,” Wasden said. “But I think it is a welcomed inconvenience.”

It is unsure of how long the process will take, but the weather has delayed the process, making the women living on Sorority Hill anxious for the parking lots to be completed.

“We’re ready for them to be here,” Wasden said.

“It is extremely exciting to have new parking lots across the Hill,” Morris said. “It’s going to open up spaces, be less confusing, and it is way past time for it to happen.”