Mortgages for Feb. 12, 2015

Published 3:00 am Thursday, February 12, 2015

Troy Bank and Trust to Crichton Allen, Tracy Allen 733 County Road 4402 for $104,042 on Feb. 5.

Mers, Fairway Independent Mortage Corporation to James Baker, Miranda Baker 6197 County Road 2209 for $268,200 on Feb. 4.

Mers, Quicken Loans Inc to Jamie Burchill 135 Green Drive for $104310 on Feb. 3.

Mers, Troy Bank and Trust to David Copeland, Donna Copeland 131 County Road 4410 for $158,500 on Feb. 9.

Troy Bank and Trust to Sherrille Crowe 1113 Hwy 231 for $1,105,952 on Feb.5.

Mers, Discoverhome Loans Inc to Amela Culpepper, Christopher Culpepper 109 Pine Grove Drive for $160,116 on Jan. 29.

Troy Bank and Trust to Faulkner Construction LLC 508 Lee Avenue for $98,717 on Feb. 6.

First National Bank of Brundidge to Ricky Graham 3048 County Road 4421 for $54,000 on Feb. 3.

Mers, Troy Bank and Trust to Henry Gutierrez, Emma Negron 102 Whitetall Way for $216,000 on Feb. 5.

Regions Bank to Deborah Hicks, Williams Hicks 406 W College Street on Jan. 30.

Troy Bank and Trust to Jane Heine, Henry Hill 5 acres of land at Section 33 Township 10 North Range 19 East for $9,375 on Feb. 9.

Alabama AG Credit to Gail Hohbach, Susan Skelding 10.83 acres of land at Section 20 Township 8 North Range 21 East for $27,100 on Feb. 2.

Troy Bank and Trust to Horn Beverage Inc 104 Industrial Blv for $1,012,217 on Feb. 4.

Troy Bank and Trust to Larry Jarrell, Tennie Jarrell 202 Gail St for $169,1000 on Feb. 9.

Army Aviation Center Federal Credit Union o Lula Larkin 118 Harold St for $50,000 on Jan. 30.

Mers, GMFS LLC to Antonio McClain, Lagreta McClain 103 Creek Stand Road or $156,168 on Feb. 2.

Troy Bank and Trust to Brian McDaniels, Gisela McDaniels 119 Los Robles Drive for $309,250 on Feb. 4.

Trinity Bank to Dorothy McLeod, Jason McLeod 7961 Hwy 29 for $40,000 on Feb. 9.

Troy Bank and Trust to Kathy Nalley 13744 County Road 2290 for $8,008 on Jan. 30.

Troy Bank and Trust to Prospect Ridge LLC 4.61 acres of land at Section 8 Township 9 North Range 21 East for $603,952 on Feb. 3.

Regions Banks to Donna Sanders, Steve Sanders 2696 County Road 2243 for $171,350 on Feb. 9.

Wells Fargo Bank to Jonathan Sumrall, Virginia Sumrall 133 Prospect Ridge Road for $226,575 on Feb. 4.

Troy bt, Chase Taylor, Joanna Taylor 106 Madalyn Lane for $35,000 on Jan. 30.

John Weed, Martha Weed to TFI LCC Lots on East Court Square for $ 300,000 on Jan. 30.

Troy Bank and Trust to James Tillery 2401 North Three Notch for $38,000 on Jan. 29.

Troy Bank and Trust to Danny Tyler 70 acres of land County Road 2202 for $41,655 on Jan. 30.

First National Bank of Brundidge to Walters Farms Ltd 1 parcel of land at Section 7 Township 8 North Range 22 East for $50,800 on Jan. 29.

Amerifirst Bank to Cathleeen Woodruff, Hubert Woodruff 391 County Road 6629 for $44, 721 on Feb. 9.

Troy Bank and Trust to Zubulon Properties LLC 1308 Park St. for $52,000 on Feb. 6.

Mers, Troy Bank and Trust to Deborah Zuhlke, William Zuhlke 1203 Folmar St for $156,122 on Jan. 30.

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