Leadership Pike hosting kickball tournament

Published 3:00 am Friday, February 6, 2015

Every year the Leadership Pike class is required to complete a project to raise funds for the Leadership Pike Scholarship fund. This year, to add a little more excitement to the fund raising process, Leadership Pike is hosting a kickball tournament.

Nola Ernest, Leadership Pike president, said the idea for a kickball tournament had generated more interest than the 2015 class had originally anticipated.

“We are getting really excited about the kickball tournament coming up,” Ernest said. “We have had out of state interest in the kickball tournament. We have a team from Panama City coming to participate. We didn’t expect much out of Pike County interest.”

With teams coming from across the state, and even out of state, Ernest said the class hoped to be able to reach their goal.

“We hope that this tournament will fulfill two goals,” Ernest said. “The first is to generate enough funds to provide for $1,000 scholarships to graduating seniors in Pike County, one to each high school. Our second goal is that we hope to inspire a little friendly community competition.”

The push for a kickball tournament, Ernest said, was to be able to get the whole community involved in the class’ effort to raise the scholarship money. And, the class is encouraging everyone’s participation.

“We still encourage families to come out to support people they know that are participating, to watch the tournament and bring their kids,” Ernest said. “We will have a kid zone with supervision, so there are really no excuses to stay at home.”

Along with the kid zone, Ernest said concessions would be available the day of the event.

“Troy Parks and Recreation will provide concessions, and there may be some surprises both for the kids and for the teams who win the tournaments,” Ernest said.

The last day for teams and sponsors to register is Saturday, Feb. 14 and Ernest said the class hoped for more participants. Registration for teams is $250 and those wanting to sponsor a field will also pay $250. A Day of Event sponsorship is also available for $50, and those sponsors will be listed on the entryway banner.

“They can contact Kenny by his email address,” Ernest said. “And, if they know anyone in Leadership Pike they can ask them for registration forms. And, we should have a Facebook event, which feel free to like, share and join.”