Smiley, Nickson sign with ASU

Published 3:55 am Thursday, February 5, 2015

Messenger Photo/Scottie Brown Pike County players Stevie Smiley and Isaac Nickson sign their letters of intent with teammates behind them.

Messenger Photo/Scottie Brown
Pike County players Stevie Smiley and Isaac Nickson sign their letters of intent with teammates behind them.

Wednesday, two Pike County Bulldogs became Alabama State Hornets.

Stevie Smiley and Isaac Nickson both signed their letter of intent today to play with Alabama State University in Montgomery.

Smiley, who will play tight end for the Hornets, said the choice for the two players to sign with the same school was an intentional decision.

“We were kind of on the buddy system trying to go to the same place, keep people you know around you with the same work ethic,” Smiley said.

But the decision wasn’t just based on the simple fact that the two had similar work ethics and aspirations. Smiley said on his official visit he “clicked” with the coaching staff, making the decision that much easier to make.

“When I took a visit, as soon as I got there I clicked with the coaching staff and players,” Smiley said. “It was a good experience, so it felt like home.”

With Smiley and Nickson on the team, the Bulldogs went 7-4 for the 2014 season, and worked their way into the playoffs for the second year in a row.

Nickson said being able to make it to the playoffs the first time around was one of his favorite memories from his high school career.

“My most cherished memory, and the one that I’ll never forget, was my first time playing going to the playoffs,” Nickson said. “It was just feeling that urge and that rush in my body, and to know that we were good enough to go to the playoffs.”

And, although the two will put on black and yellow when football season rolls back around, Nickson said he would always be a Bulldog.

“The legacy that is here in Pike County, once you’re apart of this, you know football is in you,” Nickson said. “Just to go out and see the fans outside always cheering for you. It’s a thing that you’ll never forget.”