Deeds for Jan. 29, 2015

Published 3:00 am Thursday, January 29, 2015

Jan.15 to Jan. 27

AGT Chandler Investment to AGT Chandler Investment Lot 2 Plat book 2008, page 1 for $100.

Alabama Cattle and Land LCC to Julia Tran, Quang Tran 10 acres of land at Section 36 Township 9 North Range 20 East for $100.

Jerry Barbaree, Virginia Barbaree to George Ingram 461.86 acres of land at Section 1, Section 6, 7, 8 Township 9 Range 24 for $10.

Robin Boutwell, Reba Crane to Denise Clark, Mark Clark 0.78 acres of land at Section 30 Township 8 North Range 21 East for $100.

Robert Brasfield, Kathy Brasfield to Philip Young 9.5 acres of land and 68 acres of land at Section 29 Township 11 Range 19 East for $138,000.

Charles Carson, Megan Carson to John Fleming and Jordan Fleming 105 Martha George Hall Drive for $100.

Coleman Properties Inc to Sellers Builders Inc lot 41 Diamond Hill Subdivision for $100.

Colquett Enterprise to TDC Property 114 Henderson Drive, 109 S. Knox Street, 105 Fox Street for $10.

Kenneth Cox to Holly Anderson lot 21 Plat of Forest Circle Subdivision for $100.

Garry Cremeens and Regina Cremeens to Onna Helm lot 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Killingsworth Subdivision for $55,000.

Amanda Davis, Jeremy Davis to Mary Lynne Wright, Merrill D Wright, Merrill East Wright 100 Susie Way for $100.

Delta Company to Poets Inc lot 13 Plat of Deerstand Hill for $16,000.

Dossett Venture Inc to Adam Dossett, Johannah Dossett 2 acres of land at Section 15 Township 9 North Range 22 East for $10.

Teresam Ellis, James Maulden to David Maulden, Vonnie Maulden 1 acre of land at Section 34 Township 8 North Range 22.

Five LLC to Little Cliff 43,53 acres of land Township Section 7 Township 12 Range 21 for $10.

Genesis Communities Inc to M & Range Capital Inc a parcel of land at Section 34 Township 9 Range 22 East for $100.

James Graham to North Forty Irrevocable Fiduciary Business Trust 157 acres of land at Section 20 Township 10 North Range 23 East for $10.

Gene House to James Currie 303 Country Club Road for $100.

Gutierez Merle Estate, Patricia Pizer to Nicole Pierce, Ronald Pierce 1.19 acres of land at Section 30 Township 10 North Range 21 East for $100.

Jack Johnson, Mary Johnson to Jack Johnson, Mary Johnson 1.30 acres of land at Section 8 Township 10 North Range 20 East for $10.

KC LLC to Jerry Hamilton and Lezlie Hamilton 10 acres of land at Section 2 Township 9 North East 19 East for $100.

Elouise Long to Sharon Thrash, Stephen Thrash 2 acres of land at Section 12 Township 9 North Range 23 East for 100.

Lucius Massey, Mary Massey to Julia Corley a total of 15 acres of land at Section 5 Township 8 North Range 20 East for $10.

Kasey Pouncey to William Pouncey 302 W Walnut Street for $10.

Randy Rainey to Ashley Allen and Jeremy Allen 53 acres of land at Section 11 Township 9 Range 19 for $10.

Frances Sanders, William Sanders to Ann Sanders, William Sanders Jr. 1055 Glenwood Road for $100.

Bernandette Siler, Henry Siler to Cindy Morgan, Michael Morgan 1.5 acres of land at Section 21 Township 10 North Range 21 East for $100.

Walter Stell, Zachary Stell to Robin Fortner 0.56 acres of land at Section 30 Township 10 North Range 21 East for $100.

Wallace Watson to Eric Higgnbotham, Francesca Higginbotham 515 W Fairview Street for $100.

Rita Wesley to Melvin Griffin, Sandra Griffin 0.4 acres of land in Deed book 204 page 505 for $100.

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