LifeSouth issues blood donation call

Published 3:00 am Saturday, January 24, 2015

LifeSouth has issued an emergency need for O- and O+ blood types.

“That is when we are less than a two day supply of that particular blood type,” said Melinda Hinds, district community development coordinator for LifeSouth. LifeSouth does not issue an emergency unless it is necessary. It is not intended to scare the community.

LifeSouth will be hosting a blood drive Jan. 24 at Walgreens from noon until 4 p.m and Jan. 26 and 27 on Pell Street in partnership with the nursing program at Troy University.

It is ideal to have a four to seven day supply for every blood type. If people respond within the next few days, the supply can reach normal standards, according to Hinds.

“We have to prepare because summer will be here, and there are typically shortages during the summer months,” Hinds said.

In order to donate blood, the donor must be 17 years or older. If the donor is 16 years old, a parent must sign a parental consent, which will be available on site.

Donors must weigh at least 110 pounds, be in good health, feel good that day, be hydrated and not have an empty stomach when coming on site to donate blood.

Each donor must provide a valid photo I.D. and will register upon arrival. The entire process takes approximately 30 – 45 minutes.

A donor can give blood every 56 days.

“If everyone that was eligible donated blood on a regular basis, there would never be a need,” Hinds said.

“Thank you on our behalf to all the donors that have come forward since we issued the emergency,” she said. LifeSouth is currently heading in the right direction of getting the standards up.

LifeSouth blood mobiles are out seven days a week and are always looking for places to host a blood drive. For more information, visit