Storytellers visit Pike County schools

Published 3:00 am Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Pike Piddlers Storytelling Festival January 30 and 31 at the We Piddle Around Theater in Brundidge and the Trojan Center Theater at Troy University will feature four nationally acclaimed storytellers and three of the most popular local traditional bands at the Festival’s four concerts.

Master storytellers Donald Davis and Barbara McBride-Smith are back by popular demand and Josh Goforth and Tim Lowery will be new voices at the 9th Annual Pike Piddlers Storytelling Festival.

Barbara McBride-Smith will be the featured teller for the school performances on Friday, Jan. 30. She will present a concert at one of the local elementary schools and a concert for students from all local high schools at the Claudia Crosby Theater on the campus of Troy University on Friday, Jan. 30.

The Benton Brothers and Company will present the pre-show music for the sold-out Friday night supper and stories concert at the We Piddle Around Theater. The Benton Brothers will also be the featured pre-show music for the 2 p.m. storytelling concert at the Trojan Center Theater on Saturday, Jan. 31.

The Lighthouse String Ensemble will be the featured pre-show band for the 10 a.m. storytelling concert on Saturday, Jan. 31. The Hendersons will present the pre-show for the 6:30 p.m. storytelling concert Saturday, Jan. 31.

Lawrence Bowden, president of the sponsoring Brundidge Historical Society, said his organization is proud to be able to offer storytelling concerts for the local schools.

“Storytelling is the oldest form of entertainment but is also a fading art,” Bowden said. “We want to give people of all ages the opportunity to experience the wonder of the spoken word. The legendary Alabama storyteller, Kathryn Tucker Windham, always encouraged her audiences to go home and tell their stories. She said there’s no better way to tell someone you love them, than to say, ‘Come sit by me and let me tell you a story.’

“That’s what we would like to encourage our community to do next weekend. Come and let these amazing tellers tell you their stories and then go home and share your stories with those you love.”

The Friday night storytelling concert at the We Piddle Around Theater is sold out. Tickets are available for the 10 a.m. and 2 and 6:30 p.m. storytelling concerts Saturday, Jan. 31 at the Trojan Center Theater. Tickets are available at The Messenger or by calling 685-5524 or 372-1001 or 670-6302.