Troy Police arrest reports for Jan. 6, 2014

Published 3:00 am Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Arrest Reports:

Monday, Dec. 22

Minor arrest for Possession of Marijuana Second Degree and Carry Concealed Weapon

Tolbert, Martino Jamar, Age 21, Moultry Court, Possession of Marijuana Second and Alias Writ of Arrest

Ousley, Cordero Darrell, Age 37, 7th Avenue, Brundidge, Alias Writ of Arrest

Tuesday, Dec. 23

Edwards, Michael L., Age 33, W. Fairview Street, Domestic Violence Third Degree and Possession of Marijuana Second Degree

Grace, Coley Christopher, Age 48, Pike County Lake Road, Failing to Appear (Traffic) and three counts of Alias Writ of Arrest

Rodrigez, Victor, Age 46, Montgomery Street, Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and Towed Vehicle

Wednesday, Dec. 24

Hill, Shedrick Deundra, Age 34, Azaleia Court, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and two counts Alias Writ of Arrest

Minor arrest on US Highway 231

Ford, Kayla Callie, Age 23, US Highway 231, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and three counts of Alias Writ of Arrest

Mitchell, Jonathan Scott, Age 26, Southland Mobile Home Park, Probation Violation

Smith, David Jay, Age 49, Southland MHP, Alias Writ of Arrest

Edwards, Donald Eugene, Age 53, County Road 5527, Domestic Violence Third Degree

Thursday, Dec. 25

Stewart, Angela Marie, Age 21, Legion Hill Road, Domestic Violence Third Degree

Minor arrest for Underage Purchase/Consumption/Possesion and Criminal Trespass Third Degree

Dillard, Jonathan Lashaun, Age 22, N. Bell Street, Dothan, Four Counts of Alias Writ of Arrest

Minor arrest for Domestic Violence Third Degree

Friday, Dec. 26

Holland, Alexis Nichoy Jeater, Age 29, Curry Circle, Resisting Arrest and Two counts of Alias Writ of Arrest