Downtown Regions branch closing

Published 3:00 am Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Customers of the Regions Bank branch located just off The Square were informed Monday through letters that their branch would be consolidated into a nearby facility.

The consolidation will be effective starting March 20, 2015, and Vice President of Corporate Communications for Regions, Jeremy King, said the branch’s consolidation was not a hastily made decision.

“As a normal course of business, we review the effectiveness of all of the locations so that we can help ensure that we are using all of our resources as efficiently as possible,” King said. “After careful review of our branch network, we have identified some opportunities to consolidate our network based on factors such as customer traffic, volume and location of other nearby branches. We have made the difficult decision to consolidate some branches including the one in Troy that is on South Court Square. To ensure that we are serving customers effectively we have chosen a place that fits our consumer and businesses.”

According to King, the business will be consolidated in to the nearby branch, located on George Wallace Drive near Troy University.

“We’ll hope to continue our services in Troy, and this downtown branch is being consolidated into the other branch in order to accommodate this.”

Across the Southeast, Midwest and Texas Regions has approximately 1,700 branches and 2,000 ATMs, according to King and Troy’s branch was not the only affected branch following reviews.

While the branch is closing, King said Regions is working to find open positions for this branch’s workers.