Local band releasing new CD hoping to boost community attitudes

Published 3:00 am Friday, December 12, 2014

Local pastor and band member, Pastor Jimmy Jackson, wants citizens of Pike County that things will be “Better” no matter how the year is ending.

As a pastor at Promise Land Ministry in Pike County, Jackson, along with six other band members, will be releasing a cd later this month in an effort to provide something positive for Pike County to be able to take part in as a reminder that no matter how badly things have gone throughout the last few weeks, months, years or even the last 24 hours, they will get better.

“We, the band, thought it was something Pike County needed,” Jackson said. “We’ve had a lot of stuff for us come through when there hadn’t been.”

Jackson said the idea had come to him one morning while he was talking to his wife, and his good friend Tim Porter, a member of Rock Elvy Baptist Church, helped him throughout the process.

“God has inspired us to seek other avenues to advance the project, because He’s allowed us to come up with songs,” Porter said. “I think we are on a level with this that groups who have been together for 20 or 25 years haven’t been able to get to.”

The name of the cd, “Better,” was an idea from Jackson to remind listeners that things “will be better than what you’ve been through.”

“People need to know that,” Jackson said. “We never think about the good things. We’ve been working hard to try and reach out to remind people there is still good out there.”

The band includes a range of ages from its 9-year-old drummer to Jackson and Porter, who have both been happily married for close to 30 years. Porter and Jackson both believe their band is an inspiration to those around them, especially David Everett, Jr., the band’s drummer.

“He is such an inspiration,” Porter said. “People will probably forget about us when they see him play, because we are just singing,” Jackson said.

But, both men, assured the program, which will take place the fourth Friday in December at 4 p.m. at Promise Land Misnistry, would be family-oriented. Jackson even said he would include a “money-back guarantee” for anyone attending that did not enjoy the program.

“God is working in all our lives,” Jackson said. “We are family oriented. We’re hard working, and we just want the chance to talk to people in the community. We’re just hoping for the community’s support. All news isn’t bad news, and we want them to see that.”

The program will take place at Promise Land Ministry Sunday, Dec. 28 at 4 p.m. The event is free. Those wanting more information are being asked to contact Jackson at 282-2811.