Vote today in local, state races

Published 3:36 am Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Voters head to the polls today in Pike County and Alabama to decide several key state and local offices, as well as the fate of several constitutional amendments.

Key local races for Pike County residents include PIke County Sheriff, with incumbent Demcorat Russell Thomas facing Republican challenger Jason Youngblood; Pike County Revenue Commissioner, with incumbent Curtis Blair facing Republican challenger Jerome “Bo” Weed; and State Representative for District 89, with incumbent Republican Alan Boothe facing Democratic challenger Joel Williams.

State races include all major offices, including governor.

As the two candidates for Alabama governor made last-minute campaign swings to rally support before Tuesday’s election, their starkly different modes of transportation reflected their relative success in raising money.

Republican Gov. Robert Bentley crisscrossed the state Monday in a leased plane, hitting the state’s four largest cities. Democratic challenger Parker Griffith of Huntsville traveled by car to some Tennessee Valley cities to meet with supporters.

Plane trips by gubernatorial candidates are traditional for the day before the election. But Griffith said, “We are budget constrained.”

Griffith reported raising $668,562 in contributions. Bentley took in roughly 10 times as much: $6.76 million.

For the final day of campaigning, Bentley abandoned his customary attire — a dark suit and conservative tie — in favor of a sports coat and open-collar shirt. It reflected his outlook about the election.

“We are relaxed, and I do believe things are going to turn out fine,” he said.

On the campaign trail, Bentley talked about reducing the unemployment rate and bringing in new industries like Airbus in Mobile and Golden Dragon copper tubing in Wilcox County. He got a boost Monday when Site Selection Magazine released its list of the top 10 states for the best business climates and ranked Alabama ninth. But Bentley said that’s not the reason he expects to be successful Tuesday.

“I do believe the people of Alabama trust me, and I do believe that most people actually like me. And, I’m telling you, I love the people of the state,” he said.

The polls are open from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.

Voters will need to bring a valid photo ID when they go to vote.