Pumpkins on the Square set for Friday

Published 6:37 pm Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Pumpkins, parades, pictures and plenty of fun are on tap Friday as Troy celebrates Halloween.

Activities begin at 2:30 p.m. with the Charles Henderson High School parade in downtown Troy. Immediately after the parade, the Pumpkins on the Square event begins.

The event, sponsored by the PIke County Chamber of Commerce Downtown Development Committee, features trick-or-treating; a costume contest and photo booth sponsored by The Messenger; and activities sponsored by area merchants.

The event is free to the public and is designed for children up to age 13, with adult supervision.

“Children will have the opportunity to come down to the Square and trick-or-treat around the Square with the businesses who are in the downtown area,” said Dianna Lee, marketing officer for Troy Bank & Trust and a member of the committee. “We also have several other businesses who aren’t located in downtown but are setting up booths and activities for the children. We expect it to be a terrific time for our community and partnering with the homecoming parade just makes it even more fun.”