Pike County BOE approves hires, employee travel

Published 3:00 am Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Pike County Board of Education met Oct. 13 and approved several hires and requests by faculty and staff members to attend leadership and annual conferences.

The board approved the hire of Marilyn Thompson and Jalesha Merritt as part-time special education aides at Pike County Elementary School and Lindsay Strube as an instructional aide at Banks.

The board also approved the retirement resignation for Dyan Collins, bus driver, effective Nov. 1 and the hiring of John Prince, bus driver, effective Nov. 2.

On-the-job injury status was approved for Susan Duckworh and Tomeaco Barnes. The board voted to restore all sick leaves related to the injuries.

In other business, the board approved permission to provide the East Central Mental Health Center with a bus and driver to take the Day Habilitation program to the Peanut Festival in Dothan on Nov. 5.

The board granted permission for Dr. Donnella Carter to attend the 23rd Alabama Association of Federal Education Programs Administrator’s Conference in Point Clear Nov. 11-14 and the Learning Forward Conference in Birmingham Nov. 20-21 at no cost to the board.

The board approved the request of Pam Franklin to attend the Fall Instructional Leadership Conference in Orange Beach, Nov. 2-5.

Expenses will be paid through Indian Education.

Permission was granted for Ana Belle Lee and Amy Brown to attend the Alabama Counselor’s Annual Conference in Huntsville Nov. 18-21. Expenses will be paid through Title I.

The board also gave its approval to the request for Brooke Terry to attend the Child Nutrition Director’s Conference in Pelham Oct. 15-17. Expenses will be paid through the Child Nutrition Program.