PCHS marks homecoming

Published 3:00 am Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The theme for Homecoming 2014 at Pike County High School is “Return to the Dynasty” and all PCHS alumni and friends are invited be a part of a day long celebration of uniting the past with the present on Friday, Homecoming Day.

A highlight of Homecoming 2014 will be Open House at PCHS hosted by the Brundidge Business Association and the PCHS Parent-Teacher Organization.

Open House will be from 3 until 5 p.m. Friday and the guided campus tours will last about 15 minutes.

Deborah Nickson, PTO member, said the PCHS Ambassadors will lead the tours of the buildings that house the media center, the Business and Finance Academy, the arts center and the athletic facilities.

“Open House will be an opportunity for those who have not visited Pike County High School recently to see the new buildings on campus,” Nickson said.

“We are very proud of our school and want everyone to get a chance to see the outstanding facilities. When the tours are over, the visitors will be invited to the cafeteria for lemonade and cookies and a time of fellowship before the Homecoming game at Bulldog Stadium.”

Melissa Disney-Smith, PCHS publicity coordinator, said the Homecoming celebration has been going on all week with a variety of activities for the students.

Friday’s activities will begin with the Homecoming assembly at 8:15 a.m. in the gymnasium. The 2014 Homecoming Queen and her court will be announced and the cheerleaders will lead the pep rally that will get the team and the student body in high gear for the Homecoming gridiron clash between the Bulldogs and the Slocomb Red Tops at 7 p.m. at Bulldog Stadium.

Following the pep rally at PCHS, the cheerleaders will hold pep rallies at Banks School and Pike County Elementary School as a way of involving the PCHS’ sister schools in the fun and excitement of Homecoming.

The spirit of the pep rallies will carry over to the PCHS Homecoming Parade at 1:45 p.m. in downtown Brundidge. The parade will begin at Pike County Elementary School and end at PCHS.

Open House at PCHS will follow the parade.

The PCHS Seniors Class will tailgate in the teardrop behind the main building prior to the football game.

“The 2014 PCHS Homecoming Queen and her court will be presented at 6 p.m. at the stadium,” Disney-Smith said.

“Everyone is encouraged to come early for this special Homecoming event.”