Work continues on South Three Notch Street

Published 11:49 pm Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Construction being done on the intersection of South Three Notch, Montgomery and Madison streets has been delayed from its original timeline, but is now back on track, said Assistant General Manager for Troy Utilities Mike Davis.

The closure of South Three Notch began on June 23 to allow work to begin on improvements including adding a center turning lane and widening the streets.

Davis said that a storm drain located underneath South Three Notch was much older than anticipated.

“It is man-made brick and not suitable to today’s Department of Transportation requirements,” Davis said. “In finding insufficient storm drainage, we went back to DOT and designed a South Three Notch plan with new drainage.”

Davis guessed the brick storm drainage system was from the 1940s or earlier. An existing 8-inch water line is being lowered because it is in the way of the newly designed storm drainage.

The project is funded by the Alabama Transportation Rehabilitation and Improvement Program (ATRIP) and therefore has to meet the Department of Transportation’s specifications and requirements. All changes to the project’s plan had to be submitted to the DOT, then concerns or changes assessed and corrections made.

“I feel confident that storm drainage work is back on track, we should have it functioning by the middle of next week,” Davis said.

At that time, traffic will be open on South Three Notch beginning with one lane and hopefully to two lanes, Davis said. The timeline for completion of the project is eight weeks.