Overturned truck backs up traffic

Published 7:08 pm Wednesday, August 13, 2014

An 18-wheeler turned over at the intersection of Elba Highway and U.S. 231 Wednesday, backing up traffic for several hours.  Photo/David Smith

An 18-wheeler turned over at the intersection of Elba Highway and U.S. 231 Wednesday, backing up traffic for several hours.
Photo/David Smith

An 18-wheeler turned over Wednesday morning blocking much of the Elba Highway intersection for approximately six hours.

“It was traveling southbound on U.S. 231 and turned south onto Highway 87 there in front of Wells Fargo, and apparently struck the curb on the divider,” said Lt. Bryan Weed with the Troy Police Department. “When it did so, it made the load shift and when it shifted it caused the truck to lay over.”

Weed said there had been some concerns with the overflowing amount of traffic coming through the intersection while the 18-wheeler was overturned.

“Safety is our number one measure,” Weed said. “We had to shutdown any traffic coming on to 87 from 231 north. We were limited to the amount of space we had trying to use the turn lanes there on 87 to move some traffic from 231 northbound across and also Brundidge Street across.”

The Troy Police Department was required to direct traffic during the time the roadways were blocked, but Weed said the police department received help with both up-righting the 18-wheeler and the directing of traffic.

“The state road department came out and assisted with cones and signage to try and make it easier and safer for the public,” Weed said. “Of course, the fire department was there to manage anything that may have arisen in the movement of the vehicle.”

The truck was eventually cleared from the roadway later Wednesday afternoon after a wrecker company came to unload the trailer, Weed said. The driver of the 18-wheeler was not injured.