TCC applies for historical grant funds

Published 10:20 pm Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Troy City council unanimously approved a resolution allowing the mayor to apply for state funds to be used toward improvements at the Academy Street School at their meeting on Tuesday at 5 p.m.

The grant is from the Alabama Historical Commission and a maximum of $10,000 in funds is available. The fund would go towards roof repair, painting and other maintenance needs.

“It’s on the historic register and we are all interested in restoring it,” council president John Witherington said.

Mayor Jason Reeves said the improvements were a worthwhile project and asked that the council member support it.

In turn, District 5 representative Dejerilyn King Henderson thanked Reeves for supporting the efforts to improve the school.

“With the improvements, it will continue to be a great asset to our community,” Henderson said.

The council voted and unanimously approved suspension of rules for immediate action on authorizing of the issuance of 5.490 million in borrowed funds from the State Revolving Funds to be used for water and sewer projects.

“It’s important to keep our water and sewer infrastructure strong,” Reeves said.

In other business, the Council:

Went into executive session to hear a proposal for a pending real estate matter.

approved a motion to table a request for a Retail Beer/Wine License for ZTec #612 until the owners came in compliance with fire code recommendations.

approved a professional services agreement with Skipper Consulting, Inc. to conduct a traffic study of Highway 231 and George Wallace Drive.

approved a bid award of $28,764.02 for 4×4 crew cab truck for the Public Works / Environmental services department.

approved the re-zoning of 5.5 acres on Highway 29 South owned by Green Land Company, Inc. and TFI LLC from R1: Low Density Residential Zoning District to C2: General Commercial Zoning District.