Rotary hears about WOD for Water event

Published 7:41 pm Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Brundidge Rotarians didn’t exactly rush to sign up to do a few squats with a water-filled jerrycan in tow.

However, they expressed appreciation for and support of the efforts of WOD for Water in Troy to raise funds to provide clean and Living water to villages throughout India, Cambodia and South Sudan.

Jason Jones and Derrick Irons were the program guests of Chip Wallace at the Wednesday meeting of the Brundidge Rotary Club.

Jones said WOD for Water is excited about its third year as host for the fundraising event on Sept. 13, on the campus of Troy University.

“WOD” is a crossfit term that means “Workout Of the Day.” The goal of WOD for Water is for individuals to come together and do a high-energy workout while helping provide the most basic physical need to those around the world… clean water, Jones said.

“WOD for Water has grown every year and we’re planning this to be our biggest year– until next year,” Jones said with a smile. “Our goal is to raise $50,000 to build wells and to change lives.”

Jones said almost a billion people on the planet live without access to safe drinking water. “We can make a difference with wells that cost as little as $3,000,” he said. “One well will provide safe drinking water for about 30 families for their lifetime. I don’t know of any better way that $3,000 could be spent.”

WOD for Water Troy, Alabama is held each year to bring awareness and raise funds to build wells in Third World countries for people who don’t have accessibility to clean water on a daily basis.

“We build these wells through an organization called NeverThirst based in Birmingham,” Jones said. “This year, Crossfit Ilium is our title sponsor so, by having a sponsor, every penny that is raised will go to building wells that provide clear drinking water in other parts of the world.”

The funds raised last year by WOD for Water Troy, Alabama built wells in India. This year, the funds will be used to build wells in South Sudan.

“Wells are cheaper to build in India but South Sudan needs them worse,” Jones said. “Each well there will cost around $6,500 but we want to go everywhere NeverThirst goes.”

Jones said the $50,000 goal WOD for Water Troy, Alabama has set is more than doable. The event will begin at 8 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 13 on Troy University’s Bibb Graves Quad and conclude at noon.

“The previous years, we held the event on a non-football day,” Jones said. “This year, we are having it on game day but the game isn’t until 6 p.m. So, hopefully, we’ll attract the interest of people who are in town for the game.”

Also new this year is something for the kids and a competitive division.

“Last year, a lot of kids wanted to participate in the workouts so we’ve added a kids’ division and a competitive division. The winner of the competitive division will have his or her name on a well in India,” Jones said. “That’s a $3,000 prize.”

Those who want to participate but don’t want to workout can Walk for Water.

The entry fee for the competitive division is $75, the beginner division is $40 and the kids’ division is $25. The entry fee for Walk for Water is $25.

Jones said those who just want to stand around and watch may donate as they are led.

For more information about WOD for Water Troy, Alabama, go online to