Grant aids Southern Classic expansion in Brundidge

Published 7:30 pm Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The State of Alabama is reserving Community Block Grant Funds for the City of Brundidge to assist in the expansion of Southern Classic Food Group, LLC by providing sewer system improvements.

Brundidge Mayor Jimmy Ramage was notified by Gov. Robert Bentley that Economic Development funds in the amount of $173,438 have been reserved for the project. He made the Brundidge City Council aware of the good news at its Tuesday meeting.

In notifying Ramage, Bentley said it is a pleasure to be able to serve the funds and assist business development that, not only benefits the Brundidge area, but the entire State of Alabama.

Ramage said the city is very appreciative of the funds that will make it possible for Southern Classic Foods to add jobs as it develops its business.

“These funds were made possible through a non-competitive grant that will greatly benefit our business community and our citizens,” Ramage said. “Our thanks to Gov. Bentley and the State for making these funds available to us.”

Britt Thomas, city manager, discussed, with the Council, the progress of the City’s sidewalk project that will install sidewalks on S.A. Graham Blvd. and Galloway Road.

In order to install the sidewalks on Graham Blvd, Thomas said, two parcels of one-owner land must be acquired for five feet of permanent easement. Permission must also be granted to allow for a 10-foot construction easement.

Three parcels must be acquired for the sidewalk installation on Galloway Road along with construction easements.

“On Graham Blvd., the sidewalks will be adjacent to the curb so there is no question as to the upkeep of a grassed area,” Thomas said.

At a previous Council meeting, the Council voted to declare the water meters that were replaced with new meter surplus and offer them for sale.

“The old meters had lead in them and couldn’t be sold in the United States, but could be sold in Mexico,” Thomas said. “We had a buyer and got $5,850 for the old meters.”

The Council voted to award a contract to correct a water flow problem behind City Hall to Carsenn Construction of Brundidge in the amount of $21,250.

Thomas said, during times of heavy rain, the rainwater on City property washes onto Graham Blvd.

Thomas said the project will not interfere with the annual Peanut Butter Festival on Oct. 25.

“After all the materials for the project are on site, the project shouldn’t take more than a couple of days,” Thomas said.

Brundidge Police Chief Moses Davenport reported that Walmart DC made funds in the amount of $2,000 to the Brundidge Police Department to purchase and install a radar system in the Department’s new police car.

Davenport expressed appreciation to the Walmart DC for the “big check” and for its continued support of the Brundidge community.

The Brundidge City Council meets at 4 p.m. the first and third Tuesdays of the month at City Hall. The meetings are open to the public.