TCS board reviews uniform, bullying policies

Published 9:48 pm Monday, July 21, 2014

High school students at Troy City Schools may see an expanded and clarified dress code in the upcoming school year.

Members of the Troy City Schools Board of Education reviewed the draft of the Charles Henderson High School 2014 uniform and dress code policy during a work session on Monday evening.

“A lot of this isn’t policy but just a clarification of our policy, “ said Superintendent Dr. Lee Hicks, as he explained the draft to the board members. Hicks said the suggestions incorporated some recommendations by student leaders who were asked to give input in to the policy.

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The suggestions in the draft included expanding the options for pants to charcoal and white, as well as the approved khaki and navy; clarifying the definition of “jeggings “and prohibiting stretch or skinny pants worn as uniforms; and allowing “Chaco-type” sandals with rubber soles and heel straps.

The policy would also clarify spirit gear, which was added to the dress code three years ago. “One of the reasons we’ve gone to spirit gear is so that we don’t have constant complaining about the uniform policy,” Hicks told the board.

Spirit gear is any item of clothing that boasts a school or system logo or is a specifically designed shirt for a school event. “To build school spirit, you’ve got to show it,” Hicks said.

Board member Mark Salmon said members would rely on administrators to make their recommendations for the policy changes. Board members expect to review the draft policy changes at their next meeting. Once presented, board members will have to wait 30 days before voting to adopt the new policy. “We are going to print and distribute our code of conduct with the existing policy,” Hicks said. “We can share any changes via our website.”

In other discussions during the work session, board members talked about the need to review and address contracts for the three campus principals: Teresa Sims at Troy Elementary School; Aaron Brown at Charles Henderson Middle; and Dr. Boyd English at Charles Henderson High School.

“Each of these principals have to be renewed or notified if we don’t plan to renew by Jan. 1,” Hicks told the board members. “We didn’t do that this year so they’re on a one-year carry over.”

Sims, who was hired under a probationary contract, remains on that contract. Brown and English each had three-year contracts in place.

“We’d like to make sure we keep the stability in place,” Hicks told the board. “That’s one of the things that Advanced Ed recommended when they did our accreditation.”

Salmon asked Hicks to provide board members with specific data that can be referenced to review progress made under each prinicpal’s term. “What have they done and what are they doing to move the meter, to improve the education in our schools?” Salmon said. “I’d like to see something that can be benchmarked and measured from the time they came into their position until now.”

In addressing reports or concerns made to board members about administrators or their performance, Hicks said he seeks specific details. “We want to know how says something or makes an allegation, so I can meet with them one-on-one to address it,” he said. “Otherwise, we’re just dealing with heresay.”

Hicks said he would bring recommendations and the data sought to the board members in August, with hopes the board members can address the contracts well before the Jan. 1, 2015 deadline.

Board members also discussed the need to review the districts bullying policy and to learn more about what the district is doing to prevent bullying.

Prior to the work session, board members approved six personnel actions during a regular board meeting. The board accepted the resignations of Jamey Dubose, athletic director effective June 30; Tracey DuBose, reading coach at CHHS, effective June 30; Julie Echols, teacher at Troy Pike Center for Technology, effective July 16; Angela Newby, teacher at Troy Elementary, effective July 16; and Lytelia Berry, teacher at Troy Elementary, effective July 16. The board approved the hiring of Joseph Boswell as vice principal at Troy Elementary School.