‘A disservice’: American flags missing from Bicentennial displays

Published 10:13 pm Thursday, July 10, 2014


At times when patriotism should be at its pinnacle, thievery is at an extremely low point.

Katie Hale, American Legion Post 70 Auxiliary, said over the Fourth of July holidays, 10 American Flags went missing for the display at Bicentennial Park in Troy. Eight flags were missing from the display during Memorial Day Weekend. About 400 memorial flags fly at Bicentennial Park on patriotic holidays.

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“To say we are upset would not be adequate,” Hale said. “The flags fly during patriotic holidays in memory of Pike County veterans. Each flag has been purchased by a deceased veteran’s family. We fly the flags proudly and honorably. That someone would take one of these flags in unthinkable.”

Hale said the two recent incidents are not the only ones.

“No, on other holidays, flags have gone missing from several other holiday displays,” she said. “I think seven one time and four another. Actually, stolen would be a more accurate word to use.”

In the past, the American Flags are purchased by the families of deceased veterans at a cost of $25. Recently, the price of the flags has increased to $35.

“Because Bicentennial Park is a City park, the City of Troy oversees the putting up and taking down of the flags,” Hale said. “They do an excellent job and we appreciate their support. And, when a flag becomes frayed or is stolen, the City replaces it. So not only are those who are taking the flags doing a great disservice to Pike County’s deceased veterans, they are also doing a disservice to the City.”

Hale said the American Legion Post 70 Auxiliary is asking the public to be the eyes of the Auxiliary.

“It would be hard for someone to walk away with 18 American Flags and to keep them out of sight,” she said. “Anyone who has any information about the whereabouts of the flags is encourage to call 334-465-5436 or 566-8849 or call the Troy Police Department.

“Every flag represents a deceased Pike County veteran. It’s a shame that anyone would want to steal something as important and as meaningful as American Flags that honor American patriots.”