Banks Council votes in new member

Published 8:48 pm Monday, July 7, 2014

There were no empty chairs around the Banks Town Council table Monday evening. After having to cancel two meetings in a row because of attendance, Mayor Lisa Culpepper said attendance problems resolved themselves. “Everybody showed,” she said.

As a courtesy, Culpepper said she sent out reminder letters to council members before the July 7 meeting. The Council has to have a quorum of three in attendance to vote on any official matter.

Culpepper called the May and June cancellations a fluke.

“I have nothing but respect for all of the council members,” she said. “Everybody makes the effort.”

Most of the council had jobs that interrupted their council obligations. Culpepper understood the toll a job could take. She said she works at the post office from sunrise to sundown. “It takes all I can to get up here.”

The cancellations were the first Culpepper had been forced to make since becoming mayor two years ago.

Members unanimously agreed to add Kim Henderson to the Council. She will take the seat left vacant by Lenardo Brent, who no longer lives in Banks.

“Kim Henderson was nominated and approved because she is very much interested in the community and is a hometown person,” Culpepper said.

She will be sworn in at the August meeting.

The Council tabled a discussion about the purchase and installation of a flag and pole outside the town building. Council member Don Smith provided estimates for a freestanding 30-foot flagpole that would include a base. The pole and lights installed at its base would cost more than $4,000. Smith agreed to return with estimates that did not include the base.

Members also discussed the proposed location of the flag, a few doors down from the town hall and next to a shed. Culpepper said the location might not be the best one because the property did not belong to the town.

The City of Troy has agreed to donate an emergency rescue truck to Banks. After Troy recently received a new truck, Fire Chief Thomas Outlaw consulted with local volunteer fire departments and determined Banks would be the best location for the truck because volunteers included two EMS workers.

Banks Town Council meets on the first Monday of each month.