TPRD sponsoring free volleyball clinic next month

Published 9:12 pm Monday, June 30, 2014

Lana Johnson wants to grow the game she loves, so she has decided to start at the roots.

Johnson, along with Kellen Shirley, Kendra Langley, Victoria Outlaw and Becca Hartley, are hosting a free volleyball clinic July 28, 29 and 31 at the Troy Recreation Department on Enzor Road in Troy.

“Troy got a middle school program about three years ago, but there isn’t a lot for younger aged girls,” Johnson said. “We want to introduce the game to the younger girls and see what kind of interest there is. A lot of the cities around Troy have programs for younger girls,”

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The clinic will run from 6:00-7:30 P.m. nightly, and will take place at the Troy Recreation Center gymnasium.

Johnson hopes to have 50 girls attend the event, and if successful, has plans to expand the clinic in the future.

“We want to work on the fundamentals of the game,” Johnson said. “Just like all sports, footwork is vital to being successful, so we will work on having a good base. Passing is also key to having a successful team. If you can’t pass, you can’t get the ball over the net. We will also work on what I like to call the fun stuff, setting and spiking”

To register, contact the TPRD at 334-566-4031.