BBA to salute veterans with program

Published 7:53 pm Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Brundidge Business Association will honor America’s veterans with a “Salute to Veterans” at 7 p.m. Friday, June 27 at the Knox Ryals Pavilion in downtown Brundidge.

The “Salute to Veterans” will kickoff Independence Day weekend in Brundidge that will feature the BBA’s annual Independence Day Parade at 9 a.m. Saturday, June 28.

Delatha Mobley, coordinator of the “Salute to Veterans” said the event will include presentations and patriotic music. A candle lighting ceremony will close the “Salute.”

“We invite and encourage all of our veterans to join us as we honor them for the service and their sacrifices,” Mobley said. “This is an opportunity for Brundidge and our surrounding communities to let our veterans know how much we appreciate them and what they have done in service to our country.”

Mobley said Brundidge has traditionally “saluted” veterans as a part of its annual Independence Day Parade.

“Our first ‘Salute to Veterans’ was in 2000 and this is our eighth event,” Mobley said. “Randy Ross, our Veterans Affairs officer, has worked with us to make this a special time for our veterans and their families.”

Ross said all veterans deserve a time of recognition and he appreciates the efforts of the BBA to host a special event for them.

“We have several veterans’ organizations in Pike County that are advocates for our veterans,” Ross said. “American Legion Post 70 and its Auxiliary, VFW Post 7055, American Legion Post 145, the DAV, Charlie’s Angels and Troy for Troops. As we salute our veterans individually, we also salute these organizations for their strong and continuing support of our veterans.”

Mobley said all veterans and their families are invited to the “Salute to Veterans.”

“The families of our veterans have also made a sacrifice for our country and they are to be recognize as well,” she said. “We also invite our veterans to ride on the BBA’s float in the Independence Day Parade on June 28. Those who would like to ride are asked to call 334-372-1001 and let us know.”

The Independence Day Parades celebrates the country’s independence and honors those who fought to win that independence and those who have fought and continue to fight to preserve it.